Dear Alumni

What were your favorite campus/near campus eating spots? What made them special?

54 Answers

  1. I visited the original Pagliacci Pizza on the Ave, where they sold by the slice. A slice or two with a Coke was the highlight of my day after school. Back then, it was little more than a hole-in-the-wall with stools but the place was always jumping with Huskies.

    That pizza was and still is, and take it from someone who lived in Rome for three years: the dough makes the slice and Pagliacci had the most familiar Italian flavored dough I’d had on this continent.

  2. Pizza Pete’s in the early 1970’s then located on the east side of the Ave just south of NE 47th St. A couple of my friends worked there and the owner let a group of us just hang out and listen to the juke box while nursing cokes and an occasional pizza. We were all ‘goombas’.

    Because I was a homeboy, I also worked as a dishwasher before college at Russ’s Cafe located on the SW corner of U Way and 47th.

  3. Shultzy’s, for sure. They say they have the best french french fries, and they’re amazing enough to can eat them with a fork and dip them in ketchup. It’s worth going just for that. Then you throw in a sausage sandwich like you wouldn’t believe, and you’re a happy camper. Don’t eat before a presentation or test, though, because it’s some heavy duty stuff. And, um, Go Dawgs!!

  4. Nasai Teriyaki, China First, Wingdome, Schultzy’s, La Vaca, Cedar’s, A Pizza Mart, Marble Top

  5. The salads at Pete’s Pizza in the 60s: crisp lettuce covered with plenty of shredded mozzarella and pepperoni pieces smothered in Italian dressing were unlike anything I’ve found since.

  6. The Chile Pepper. He moved to Wallingford. The sub shop. Coffee Corral. Muffin Break. Werner’s. The Bagel Deli.

  7. Gillys giant submarines!

  8. The Mongolian BBQ place was always a great go to spot!

  9. The Last Exit, espresso floats; Pagliacci – two slices, cheese and pep with a Henry’s Dark; China First – for special occasions; Danken’s – for great ice cream; I seem to remember eating a lot of chicken curry and an Indian place across from Danken’s, but I have no idea what the name was, just that $3 was a good price for dinner.

  10. Pagliacci pizza, Thai toms, and that vegan deli on Brooklyn & 42nd had amazing mac n’ cheese!

  11. Angelo’s in the alley-great Italian food.

  12. Last Exit, Morningtown Pizza, Northlake Pizza and animal night at the Blue Moon.

  13. Thai Toms and Perkengruven!!!!

  14. Godfather’s Pizza and Frankfurter’s for chocolate chip cookies.

  15. Tokyo Garden, #1 double rice

  16. Schultzy’s – before they expanded!

  17. Aladdin’s has the best beef and lamb gyro, which leans towards Turkish flavor.

  18. Nasai teriyaki, Wing Dome and Pagliacci Pizza

  19. Big Time Brewery & Alehouse – Beer. Especially the daily cask offerings.

  20. Thai Tom’s can I get a hell yeah

  21. Wing Dome, China First

  22. Muffin break iced coffee, Kiku’s (don’t forget the $1 extra chicken), and Pags for pizza

  23. Thaiger Room, Pagliacci, China First!

  24. Thai Tom’s, Pizza Brava, Nasai Teriyaki, Pepe’s… I’m hungry!

  25. Burritos at Orange Julius in the 70s

  26. The Last Exit on Brooklyn was the place to go for Mu tea, a game of chess and non-top 40 music. The Last Exit defined the U-District in the ’70s, so much so it has its own Wikipedia page.

  27. The place with awesome muffins – don’t remember the name of it but they had some very unique ones.

  28. Marble Top for dinner

  29. The Last Exit… Hot chocolate

  30. Steak and kidney pies (and cask-conditioned ale) at The Unicorn. Angus was such a character – grumpy old cuss!

    Anything (and wine) at Toscana. Never had a bad meal there. Angelo, the owner, would flirt shamelessly with your date and guarantee she was in love with you by the end of the Evening.

    Lunch Special at China First. Cheap and plentiful.

  31. Oh, and espresso floats at the Last Exit. Yum!!

  32. My dad tells me Hasty Tasty was jocularly known as Nasty Rasty. 🙂

  33. Dantes, all the aero folks hung out there. Don’t even know if it is still there, that was in the late 70’s, early 80’s.

  34. Thai Tom

  35. Flowers…

  36. Lox, Stock & Bagel — early 80’s

  37. Last Exit, China First, Haagen Dazs, Dante’s ($1pitcher night)

  38. There was a place many, many years ago that my Dad would take me to after my swim lesson on campus. They had the BEST French Dip Sandwiches, big rib roasts they would carve in front of you and if you were lucky, you got one of the bones to gnaw on. Can’t remember the name but there was a 2nd restaurant up from the Montlake Bridge.

  39. There were several places, though after 25 years their names are escaping me. I do remember Pagliacci’s Pizza, and an inexpensive Chinese restaurant. Good times!

  40. What??? Eat out?? I was a starving college student, I ate Top Ramen.

  41. Wing dome and Pagliaccis

  42. No money to eat often outside of the Dorm, but we loved pepperoni pizza for Pizza Haven, breakfast at the old IHOP, and without buying anything, cruising Herfy’s. class of 71

  43. A rare Pizza Haven pizza or Outrageous Taco… Herfy’s not by choice but by lack of funds. Usually would make spaghetti in the dorm or a frozen pizza and a jug of A&W root beer on a Saturday night if we felt real flush. Early 70’s.

  44. Lox, Stock & Bagel for the day and Dante’s Dollar Pitcher Night for the evening!

  45. The Scottish Bastard (commonly known as McDonalds) was a great study spot. Good background hum, but no interruptions. True tale.

  46. China First lunch special! Only $1.99 (or 2.99?) – whichever, it was cheap.

  47. Nasai teriyaki!

  48. Thai 65 was always my default

  49. Woerne’s. Pastries and German sandwiches.

  50. M & M cookies at Arnolds while playing video games…80’s style!

  51. China First, still the best eggroll on the planet, and Last Exit on Brooklyn, the spiritual home of the entire hipster/coffeehouse/New Age movement in Seattle, and the place where all local hippies will go when they die.

  52. Last Exit – I still miss that place, and Hot Lips pizza!

  53. Wallaby Cafe on the ave., great hash browns

  54. In the 70’s, Red Robin Tavern Gillys Subs, College Inn Pub. I could never afford to buy Pizza at the Northlake tavern

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