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Network of Networks Meeting

Group II: National Infrastructure as an Element in Regional Success

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Moderators: Dr. France (Sea–Aids) and Dr. Taniguchi (WHO)
Reporteur: Dr. Lobo (WHO SEARO)

Dr. Shih (Chinese Taipei)
Dr. Siegrist (US)
Dr. Mintz (US)
Dr. Zeng (China)
Dr. Mancha (Mexico)
Dr. Shin (Korea)
Col. Kelley (US)
Dr. Ingerani (Indonesia)

1. There are countries in the Asian Pacific region that have an inadequate infrastructure. These countries should be:

  • Assisted in the development of the required infrastructure
  • Provided evidence about the benefits and cost–effectiveness of developing such infrastructure
  • Networks functioning in the region should extend the network to such countries

2. The group identified the following obstacles in communicable disease information flow/disease surveillance

  • Incomplete / inaccurate data recording and data entry
  • Lack of adequate lab facilities / rapid tests
  • Insufficient capability in data analysis and interpretation
  • Absence of clear–cut case definitions and their application
  • Lack of training
  • Problems in central data collation and analyses due to lack of uniformity
  • Reluctance / resistance to reporting due to political, social or cultural reasons
APEC/WHO/networks – solutions / actions proposed
  • Document successful / unsuccessful examples of surveillance system and sharing of information
    e.g. Mexico, other case studies or cost–effectiveness evidence
  • Inventory of available tools / templates
  • Provision of selected tools / templates based on available assessments and benchmarks
    e.g. downloadable software packages
  • Training and capacity building esp. of first level health professionals
  • Involvement of the private sector as data / information source
  • Establishment of partnership and exchange between the existing networks and with MOH's
  • Advocacy for intregration of public health into health education curricula and distance learning

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