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Student Lounge

Welcome to the student lounge, it is full of links that students like yourself have found useful. Please feel free to contact us if there is a link you feel should be included. (rtg230@nyu.edu)


Government Resources
  • ATSDR - Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
  • EHPC - DHHS Environmental Health Policy Committee
  • EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
    • AIEO - USEPA American Indian Environmental Office
  • CDC - Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
    • NCEH - National Center for Environmental Health
  • CPSC - Consumer Product Safety Council
  • FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • NIH - National Institutes of Health
    • NCI - NIH, National Cancer Institute
    • NIEHS - National Institute of Environmental Health and Safety
    • EHP - NIEHS Environmental Health Perspectives
  • NSF - National Science Foundation
  • OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  • USAID - Environmental Health
Academic Links
Non-profit Organizations
  • AAEM - American Academy of Environmental Medicine
  • ACOEM - American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
  • ACSH - American Council on Science and Health
  • ALA - American Lung Association
  • ASH - Action on Smoking and Health
  • ASSE - American Society of Safety Engineers
  • ASTHO - Association of State & Territorial Health Officials
  • AWMA - Air and Waste Management Association
  • CEHN - Children's Environmental Health Network
  • CIIN - Chemical Injury Information Network
  • CSPI - Center for Science in the Public Interest
  • CWA - Clean Water Action
  • Evirolink - The Online Environmental Community
  • Healthy People 2010 - Public and Private Initiative
  • HEAL - Human Ecology Action League
  • IAQ - Indoor Air Quality
  • NSC - National Safety Council
  • NACCHO - National Association of City & County Health Officials
  • NEHA - National Environmental Health Association
  • PHF - The Public Health Foundation
  • Scorecard - Pollution Information Website
  • SCN - Sustainable Community Network
  • SOEH - Society for Occupational and Environmental Health
  • SSI - Silent Spring Institute
  • TNC - The Nature Conservancy
  • UCS - The Union of Concerned Scientists
  • WHO - World Health Organization
General Job listings
Research Ethics, Scientific Integrity and Policy

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Last updated on  03/13/2004

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