water The 5th Asia Pacific Symposium on
Music Education Research

July 14 - 16, 2005
Seattle, Washington, USA

Call for Abstracts

Symposium Links 

Main Page

Abstract Submission Form
Closed! Thank you for all the proposals!



Email APSMER 05

Abstract submission is now closed for APSMER 2005!
Notification of acceptances will be made in early March . . .

Individuals are invited to submit proposals for presentations in which
they may share new, unpublished scholarly work in music education. Proposals concerning all areas of music teaching and learning will be welcome. Particular attention will be given to reports relevant to the social, educational and cultural context of Asian Pacific nations. Potential topics may include, but are not limited to:
• Cross-cultural influences in teaching materials and pedagogy
• Effective teaching in diverse contexts and communities
• Development, enculturation and musical identity
• Classroom, ensemble and individual teaching practices

• History, performance and teaching of Asian Pacific music traditions
• Adaptation of Asian Pacific and other global music traditions into music curricula

Presentations will take the form of spoken papers (including demonstrations) and research posters. Proposals for panel and roundtable presentations are also welcome.

As it is anticipated that the symposium schedule will include many concurrent sessions, participants are encouraged to submit both a paper and a poster presentation. (Paper and poster presentations of the same project are welcome.) This will allow those attending other sessions to hear about projects they may have unavoidably missed.


• Proposals for paper, poster and panel/roundtable presentations should be in abstract form.

• Panels/roundtables should be submitted as one proposal. It is the responsibility of the panel  or roundtable chair to  solicit and ensure the participation of all panel/roundtable members.

• All proposals should be submitted using the Abstract Submission Form linked to this page. See the "symposium links" on the left side of this page.

• Abstracts should be in English and are strictly limited to 500 words. Proposals exceeding this word limit will be automatically returned for further editing.

• Tips for completing the Abstract Submission Form:
1, Fields with an asterisk (*) are required and must be filled for your proposal to be successfully submitted. (If you do not have a postal code, please fill in "no code")

2, In the "affiliation" field, please list the school, college, university or other institution with which you (and, where applicable, your co-authors/co-presenters) should be identified in the proceedings.

3. Choose (1) paper, (2) poster, (3) paper and poster or (4) papel/roundtable presentation format. Those wishing to propose both a paper and a poster of the same project only need to complete one submission. 

4. For those choosing to include references in their proposal, please use appropriate format (APA for quantitative reports; Chicago/Turabian for historical or philosophical reports; either for qualitative reports at the discretion of the author).

5. Information entered on the submission form will be deleted when you leave the page! Be sure to click "submit" when you have finished completing the form.

6. Soon after submitting your proposal you should receive a confirmation email. The confirmation email will be sent to the address you entered in the "email" field on the submission form. Please review the contents of the confirmation email to ensure that the title received by the APSMER office is correct. If you fail to receive a confirmation email within 48 hours, please resend your submission.
• All proposals will be subject to blind review by an advisory panel.


Deadline for abstract submission is January 31, 2005.

Notification of acceptance will be made to the principal author via e-mail during March 2005.

Final papers for inclusion in the proceedings will be due by May 1, 2005.


All presenters must register for the symposium.

 Last Updated: February 2005

Graphic art by Beth Page - www.pageillustration.com