water The 5th Asia Pacific Symposium on
Music Education Research

July 14 - 16, 2005
Seattle, Washington, USA

Instructions for Presenters

Symposium Links 

Main Page


Email APSMER 05

CONFERENCE REPORTS (Including poster and panel presentations)

Due Date

All conference reports are due no later than 1 May 2005.


Conference reports include:
(1) full reports of research paper presentations;
(2) descriptive reports of workshop or demonstration oriented presentations;
(3) collected full reports of panel presentations;
(4) abstracts, brief reports or reproductions of poster presentations.

Submission Procedures

• Conference reports should be sent as attachments via email to apsmer05@u.washington.edu
• Please include "Conference report" in the subject line.
• Along with the attachment, include the following information in the body of the email:
(1) The full names of all authors / presenters. Please capitalize the surnames.
(2) The titles and institutional affiliations of all authors / presenters.
(3) The full title of the paper / presentation.
(4) Contact information (postal address, phone, fax, email address) for at least one of the authors / presenters.
• Please list all requested information as you wish it to appear in the symposium program.


• Papers should be formatted for US letter size 8.5" x 11" paper (approximately 21.6 cm x 27.9 cm).
• Documents should be created using Microsoft Word with the file name <author initial><author name>.doc
(example: JBach.doc)
Where possible, a second copy of each paper should be sent in PDF format (example: JBach.pdf)
• If an author / presenter is submitting more than one report, please use a numeral to distinguish among the files.
(example: JBach1.doc; JBach2.doc)

Abstracts / Brief reports  

• Individuals presenting posters may wish to submit an abstract or a brief report for inclusion in the symposium CD.
• Alternatively, poster presenters may wish to include a reduced copy of their poster (see below).
• Abstracts / brief reports should be formatted for US letter size 8.5" x 11" paper (approximately 21.6 cm x 27.9 cm).
• Documents should be created using Microsoft Word with the file name <author initial><author name>Poster.doc
(example: JBachPoster.doc)
Where possible, a second copy of each abstract/brief report should be sent in PDF format (example: JBach.pdf)
• If an author / presenter is submitting more than one report, please use a numeral to distinguish among the files.
(example: JBachPoster1.doc; JBachPoster2.doc)

• Individuals presenting posters may wish to include a reduced copy of their poster for inclusion in the symposium CD.
• Posters should be reduced from their full size to US letter size (8.5" x 11") paper (approximately 21.6 cm x 27.9 cm).
• Posters should be converted to PDF format with the file name <author initial><author name>Poster.pdf
(example: JBachPoster.pdf)
• If an author / presenter is submitting more than one poster, please use a numeral to distinguish among the files.
(example: JBachPoster1.pdf; JBachPoster2.pdf)

Panel Presentations  
• Separate reports should be submitted for each portion of a panel presentation.
• Reports may be submitted either within one email from the panel chair or separately from each panel participant.
• Each report should be formatted for US letter size 8.5" x 11" paper (approximately 21.6 cm x 27.9 cm).
• Documents should be created using Microsoft Word with the file name <author initial><author name>Panel.doc
(example: JBachPanel.doc)
Where possible, a second copy of each paper should be sent in PDF format (example: JBach.pdf)


As conference reports will be compiled electronically, there is no maximum page length. However, those presenters planning to submit reports for publication by the Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education should consult the relevant length guidelines below.


All conference reports should be in English.


Authors are asked to use the 5th edition (2001) of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) as a guide for the formatting of quantitative reports. For historical, philosophical or qualitative reports, authors may choose to use either Turabian or Chicago style guidelines. 



Sessions will consist of 2-3 individual paper presentations. For panels, all participants' presentations will be given in one session.


Each paper presentation will be allocated 30 minutes -- 20 minutes for the spoken presentation and 10 minutes for questions and discussion. Within constraints of the session length, time allocation for each member of panel presentations will be determined by the panel organizer.

NOTE: Please take care to observe the time limitations strictly. We are unable to accommodate any presentation extending beyond its allocated time.


Rooms will be equipped with laptop computers and projectors, as well as audio (CD) and video (DVD) capabilities. Traditional overhead projectors will also be available. In the event of any special equipment needs, please contact the APSMER organizing committee in advance.

Presenters using PowerPoint should be sure that their presentation files are loaded onto the appropriate room computer in advance of their session. It is recommended that you send PowerPoint or other computer files to APSMER in advance via a special email address (attention to Mr. Lum Chee Hoo). The APSMER staff will ensure that all files are loaded onto the room computer and are working properly.



Posters will be hung for viewing on display easels. For ease of transportation, we recommend using material such as heavy bond or poster paper that can be rolled for easy packing.

Keeping in mind that posters will be viewed from a distance of 3-6 feet (1-2 meters), it is recommended that font sizes used in the poster display should be readable from that distance.

The title of the poster and names of all presenters should be prominently displayed as part of the presentation.


Posters will be allocated a space approximately 36" (approximately 91.4 cm) in width by 54" (approximately 137.1 cm) in height. The display may consist of one poster or several smaller items relating to the project being presented.


Each presenter may bring copies of their abstract, report summary or poster reproduction for distribution at the poster session. However, it is preferable that these materials are available on the symposium CD.

For presenters who may be new to poster sessions

The poster session is an opportunity for researchers to present their work to other Symposium attendees in a visual format. 

Traditionally, a poster summarizes the major points of the research or project, including (1) background, (2) research questions, (2) method or activities, (3) results, and (4) interpretations. Presenters use both text and graphics to communicate the most important aspects of the work. 

Poster sessionText may include particularly relevant phrases, sentences, or short paragraphs, all with font sizes which can be read from a distance of 3 to 6 feet (1 to 2 meters). Graphics may include carefully-selected tables, charts, pictures or diagrams which most clearly show the important data of the project.  Also to be included is the title of the project and the presenter's name(s) and institutional affiliation(s).

The poster session will last
for about 1.5 hours. All presenters will hang their posters in their allotted space in advance. Other attendees will peruse the posters at their leisure during the poster session. Presenters should stand by their poster to discuss their work.  Presenters may also have abstracts, report summaries, or reduced-sized poster reproductions available for distribution at the poster session as well, though most presenters will have included this material on the symposium CD.

Posters must be transported by the respective presenters; the conference chair cannot assume responsibility for receiving any materials in the mail.


The Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education will publish at least one special issue featuring selected papers presented at APSMER 2005. Submission to APJAE is entirely optional. Those wishing to submit to APJAE should follow the guidelines outlined below. NOTE: All papers submitted for publication will be subject to an independent review process according to the editorial policies of APJAE. Acceptance for presentation at the Asia-Pacific Symposium does not guarantee inclusion in APJAE.

Due Date

All submissions for the special APJAE issue will be due no later than 31 July 2005.

Submission Procedures

Reports should not be sent to APSMER. Rather, reports should be directly sent via email to Dr. LEUNG Bo Wah (bwleung@ied.edu.hk), Editor for Music Education.


Reports should be formatted to A4 size paper.

Text should use 12 point Times New Roman font, justified and double spaced (except tables).

All margins should be 1", with a header and footer of 0.5".

Page numbers (Arabic, 10 point Times New Roman) should be centered at the bottom of each page.


Reports should not be more than 6,000 words, including tables and figures but excluding references. Shorter reports will be welcome as well. Please provide a word count at the end of the manuscript.


APJAE accepts articles in English only.


An abstract of about 200 words should be provided on separate paper with the manuscript.


Authors are asked to use the 5th edition (2001) of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) as a guide for the formatting of quotations, citations, references, tables and figures.


Authors should provide a separate sheet with a brief biography of no more than 150 words which will be included in the Journal.

Review Process

Submitted reports will be sent to at least two international referees with related expertise. Authors may be required to revise their manuscript in order to achieve acceptable standard and quality. Upon acceptance, authors will receive the article for final proofreading.

 Last Updated: June 2005

Graphic art by Beth Page - www.pageillustration.com