About 有关研讨会

Workshop Goals 研讨会目的 | Who Should Attend? 参与者 | Organizers 筹办方

The Workshop is a non-profit university-government-private sector partnership based in Seattle to address the social and environmental challenges and opportunities facing urban growth in China and the U.S. The program has seed funding provided by the U.S. Department of Education through the University of Washington, in cooperation with the State of Washington, King County, and the City of Seattle.

The program introduces practical tools and policies for local sustainable development, as well as expert insight on fundamental differences in politics, social structures, law, and economics of urbanization in the two countries. Participants will have a unique opportunity to work together on solutions to actual development cases they bring to the exchange. Site visits to relevant projects in the Seattle region are also part of the program.

研讨会为非盈利性的研讨交流活动, 部分的经费由美国教育部赞助。 研讨会将介绍中美城乡可持续发展可操作性工具及相关政策,并由专家论述中美两国城市化政策、社会结构、法律及经济方面的异同。参与者将有特别的机会交流研讨不同的中美地方案例,寻求解答诸如“如何在利用法规的同时采取合作的形式来解决有关可持续发展要求?”等问题。目前, 没有其它任何项目能像此研讨会一样,将专业学习与相互交流相结合.

Goals 研讨会目的

  • Exchange information and expertise between American and Chinese professionals, government agencies and decision-makers in sustainable urban development
  • Learn about the needs, successes & challenges of sustainable urban practice in China and the US
  • Forge partnerships to help solve pressing problems on specific projects
  • Build cross-cultural competencies and long-term relationships
  • 促进中美专业工作和公职人员之间对城市可持续发展的专业性交流
  • 了解中美双方各自的可持续城市发展的需求、挑战以及有效的技术及方案
  • 提供中美专业人员间相互帮助和解决问题的平台
  • 创造长期的、跨国跨文化的合作关系的机会

Who Should Attend? 研讨会参与者

Government policy makers, urban planning, design and engineering professionals; developers; local and civic leaders operating at the scale of housing and neighborhood developments; civic or business campuses; urban redevelopment, or open space. Participants should have experience and interest in sustainable practices and/or in Chinese development.

研讨会欢迎:制订城乡开发政策的政府官员, 城市规划、设计、和工程的专业人员,开发商,从事住房与社区建设的地方领导, 文化园区、商业园区、城市更新、或公共空间建设的参与者。参加者应有涉及城乡发展建设项目的实践经验以及对中美两国的可持续发展建设感兴趣。

Organizers 筹办单位

The Workshop is organized under the joint auspices of the University of Washington’s Center for Asian Urbanism and Department of Urban Design and Planning in the College of Built Environments, the East Asia Center in the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, and the Global Business Center in the Foster School of Business, in cooperation with the State of Washington’s Department of Commerce, King County’s Department of Natural Resources, and the City of Seattle Mayor’s Office and Department of Planning and Development.


Members of the Organizing Committee are 筹委会成员:

  • Daniel Abramson 艾丹
    Associate Professor of Urban Design and Planning and China Studies, University of Washington.  Professor Abramson is the first American to have received a doctorate in urban planning from a Chinese university (Tsinghua University, Beijing), and is past Secretary and founding board member of the International Association for China Planning.
    艾丹是华盛顿大学城市设计与规划系以及中国研究教授, 首位在中国(清华大学) 获得城市规划博士学位的美国人, 国际中国城市规划学会秘书长。
    abramson@u.washington.edu; +1-206-543-2089
  • Ruoxi Zhang 张若茜
    Manager of Natural Resources Information Technology and Design, King County, WA; Certified national sustainable building advisor, and expert in China-US cross-cultural event organizing.
    张若茜是华盛顿州金郡政府自然资源信息技术与设计处经理, 华盛顿大学城市设计规划系中国项目联席主任认证美国国家可持续建筑顾问, 华盛顿中美文化交流委员会主席,中国侨联国际文化交流促进会理事。
    ruoxi.zhang@kingcounty.gov or ruoxiz@u.washington.edu +1-206-818-8680