Abramson, D. (2014) Conservation on the Edge: Periurban Settlement Heritage in China, special issue edited by Michele Lamprakos on Conserving the City, Change Over Time 4(1), 114-140.
Abramson, D. & Y. Qi (2011). “‘Urban-rural Integration’ in the Earthquake Zone: Sichuan’s Post-Disaster Reconstruction and the Expansion of the Chengdu Metropole,” Pacific Affairs 84(3), 495-523.
Abramson, D. (2011). Transitional Property Rights and Local Developmental History in China. Urban Studies, 48(3), 553-568.
Abramson, D. (2011). Places for the Gods: Urban Planning as Orthopraxy and Heteropraxy in China, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 29(1), 67-88.
Abramson, D. (2010). A Trans-Pacific Planning Education in Reverse: Reflections of an American with a Chinese Doctorate in Urban Planning and Design. In Patsy Healey and Robert Upton (Eds.) Planning Ideas and Planning Practices: a Critical Look at International Exchange in the Planning Field, pp. 289-312. Abingdon, UK; New York: Routledge.
Chalana, M. 2013. “Making Way for a Global Metropolis: Mumbai’s Rapidly Transforming Informal Sector”, The Emerging Asian City: Traditions, Tensions and Transformations, Ed. Bharne, Vinayak. Routledge Press, pp. 193-202.
Chalana, M. 2012. Beyond Le Corbusier and the modernist city: reframing Chandigarh’s “World Heritage” legacy (with Sprague). Planning Perspectives. pp.1-24. Version of record first published online, Nov.
Chalana, M. 2012. “Of Mills and Malls: The Future of Urban Industrial Heritage in Neo-liberal Mumbai”. Future Anterior. Volume 9, pp.1-15.
Chalana, M. 2011. Rethinking Heritage Beyond the “World Heritage” Framework in the Era of Globalization, Chapter in the Globalization and the Modernistic City: The Chandigarh Experience, pp. 366-371.
Chalana, M. 2010. “Slumdogs vs. Millionaires: Balancing Vernacular Environments and Global Modernity in Mumbai, India.” Journal of Architectural Education, 63(2), pp. 25-37.
Hou, Jeffrey, Ben Spencer, Thaisa Way, and Ken Yocom (eds.). 2015. Now Urbanism: the Future City is Here. London and New York: Routledge. (Equal editorship)
Hou, Jeffrey (ed.). 2013. Transcultural Cities: Border Crossing and Placemaking. London and New York: Routledge.
Hou, Jeffrey. 2012. Vertical Urbanism, Horizontal Urbanity: Notes from East Asian Cities. In Bharne, Vinayak (ed.), The Emergent Asian City: Concomitant Urbanities and Urbanisms. London and New York: Routledge.
Hou, Jeffrey. 2011. Citizen Design: Participation and Beyond. In Banerjee, Tridib and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris (eds.), Companion to Urban Design. London and New York: Routledge.
Hou, Jeffrey (ed.). 2010. Insurgent Public Space: Guerrilla Urbanism and the Remaking of Contemporary Cities. London and New York: Routledge.
Lin, K.Y., Chou, K. W., Lin, H.T., Hsieh, S.H., and Tserng, H.P., (2009) “Exploring the Effectiveness of Chinese-to-English Machine Translation for CLIR Applications in Earthquake Engineering”, ASCE, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol. 23 (3), 2009, pp. 140 – 147.
Lin, H.T., Lin, K.Y., Hsieh, S.H., and Chou, K.W., (2008) “Enabling Effective Machine Translation for AEC-Specific Cross-Language Information Retrieval”, in the Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE 2008), Oct 16 – 18, 2008, Beijing, Reference No. 373.
Oshima, K. 2013. Architecturalized Asia: Mapping a Continent through History, edited by Vimalin Rujivacharakul, H. Hazel Hahn, Ken Tadashi Oshima and Peter Christensen.
Oshima, K. 2012. “Rereading Urban Space in Japan at the Crossroads of World Design,” Kenzō Tange Architecture for the World, Lars Müller,177-187.
Oshima, K. 2012. “Balancing the Cramped with the Communal: Recent Japanese Housing,” Harvard Design Magazine 35, 142-147.
Oshima, K. 2012. “Metabolist trajectories,” Log Winter/Spring, n.24, 28-32.
Oshima, K. 2011. “The Rim of Fire,” Shinkenchiku, June, special issue on the March 11 Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, 90.
Vikramaditya Prakash Modernism in India: The Architecture of Shivdatt Sharma Mapin Publishing Pvt. Ltd, Ahmedabad, India (July 2012)
Vikramaditya Prakash, Executive Editor Globalization and the Modernist City: The Chandigarh Experience (The University of Washington India Program, March 2011)
Vikramaditya Prakash “Third World Modernism or Just Modernism?” in Third World Modernism edited by Duanfang Lu, Ashgate Press, Farnham, UK (Spring 2010)
Vikramaditya Prakash “Engaging Asia: The Ear of the Other” JAE Journal of Architectural Education (March 2010, pp.78)
Vikramaditya Prakash “Review of Alain Tanner – Une Ville a Chandigarh”” in JSAH: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (Vol. 68, No. 1, March 2009, pp.131-134)
Shen, Q. 2013. Travel and Car Ownership of Residents near New Suburban Metro Stations in Shanghai. Transportation Research Record, No. 2394, pp. 63-69 (with H. X. Pan and T. Zhao).
Shen, Q. 2012. Transportation Impacts of Clustered Development in Beijing: Compact Development versus Over-concentration. Urban Studies, Vol. 49, No. 6, pp. 1315-1331 (with J. W. Yang, J. Z. Shen, and C. F. He).
Shen, Q. 2011. Transit Oriented Development at Urban Periphery: Insights from a Shanghai Case Study. Transportation Research Record, No. 2245, pp. 95-102 (with H. X. Pan and C. Liu).
Shen, Q. 2010. Intermodal Transfer between Bicycles and Rail Transit in Shanghai, China. Transportation Research Record, No. 2144, pp. 181-188 (with H. X. Pan and S. Xue).
Shen, Q. 2010. Regional Governance, Local Fragmentation, and Administration Division Adjustment: Spatial Integration in Changzhou. The China Review, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 95-128 (with F. Zhen, B. X. Jian, and J. Zheng).
Yocom, K. “Building Watershed Narratives: A model for broadening the scope of success in urban stream restoration.” Landscape Research, 2014. DOI: 10.1080/01426397.2014.947249
Yocom, K. “Ecological Design for Urban Waterfronts” with Karen Dyson. Urban Ecosystems, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s11252-014-0385-9.
Yocom, K. “Science, Design, and Innovation: A Sustainable Communities Perspective.” ARCADE 2013, 31(3): 42-44.
Yocom, K. “Green Infrastructure Planning: Site, City, and Region.” Proceedings of the 1st Annual International Symposium on Community Development in Hwacheon, Korea. Hwacheon, Republic of Korea, 2012.
Yocom, K. Basics Landscape Architecture 02: Ecological Design with Nancy Rottle (Lucerne, Switzerland: AVA Publishing Inc.) 2011.