


BUILDING URBAN RESILIENCE ACROSS THE PACIFIC: A Collaborative Symposium, date to be announced
University of Washington

This inaugural symposium for the Center for Asian Urbanism at the University of Washington will view urban resilience in Asia-Pacific through a specific lens of hydrologic constraints to future growth and development. Specifically, the symposium will focus on pre-emptive and adaptive urban strategies given the uncertainties associated with water security in urbanizing regions, including: issues of availability and quality of consumptive water; impacts on food systems; and, rising sea levels and the increasing frequency and magnitude of floods and tidal surges. To address such wide range of issues, the symposium will bring a diverse group of scholars and practitioners together to inspire and facilitate creative and fundable long-term partnerships in both research and action.


Engaging the Grassroots: Social Justice and Biodiversity: The 9th Conference of the Pacific Rim Community Design Network
Chung-Yuan University, Taiwan


Bicycle Urbanism: Reimagining Bicycle – Friendly Cities
University of Washington

Mellon Seminar: Bodies in the Built Environment
Tange Kenzo, the Metabolists, and Beyond

Tokyo Stories: Rereading Urban Space, Simpson Center


China–U.S. Regional Sustainable Development 中美城可持会 2012 Workshop : October 10 – 13 (1010 – 1013)
On the University of Washington campus in Seattle, USA  美国华盛顿大学, 西雅图市.

Urban development in China and the US presents many similar challenges in meeting the economic, environmental and social needs of present and future generations. The China-US Professional Workshop on Regional Sustainable Development brings together Chinese and American leaders and professionals in municipal government, planning, development, and design for an intensive exchange.

Green Community Design: The 8th Conference of the Pacific Rim Community Design Network
Seoul National University


Sustainable Communities, Sustainable Landscapes: The 7th Conference of the Pacific Rim Community Design Network
Awaji Landscape Planning and Horticulture Academy/University of Hyogo


Community Planning Activities in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, China

The 6th Conference of the Pacific Rim Community Design Network
Quanzhou, China


(Re)constructing Communities: Design Participation in the Face of Change: The 5th Conference of the Pacific Rim Community Design Network
University of Washington, Seattle