
Baltic Studies Summer Institute
University of Washington, Seattle, June 21-Aug 20, 2004

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BALSSI Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian classes, July 7, 2004

The Baltic Studies Summer Institute (BALSSI) offers intensive Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian language courses. BALSSI also offers English-language courses about Baltic history and culture, as well as rich cultural enhancement programs. The Eleventh Annual BALSSI will be hosted in conjunction with the National Institute of Summer Scandinavian Studies (NISSS). 

Language Courses (15 credits each):

ESTO 150: Intensive Estonian. Monday thru Friday, 8:30-12:30, Savery Hall 335. Instructor: Piibi-Kai Kivik

ESTO 250: Intensive Second-Year Estonian. Monday thru Friday, 8:30-12:30, Savery Hall 317. Instructor: Mall Pesti

  Estonian language students, 2004
LATV 150: Intensive Latvian. Monday thru Friday, 8:30-12:30, Savery Hall 316.  Instructor: Dzidra Rodins

LATV 250: Intensive Second-Year  Latvian. Monday thru Friday, 8:30-12:30, Savery Hall 313.  Instructor: Iveta Grinberga

  Latvian language students, 2004
LITH 150: Intensive Lithuanian. Monday thru Friday, 8:30-12:30, Savery Hall 151.  Instructor: Rimas Žilinskas

LITH 250: Intensive Second-Year Lithuanian. Monday thru Friday, 8:30-12:30, Savery Hall 146.  Instructor: Dalia Cidzikaite

  Lithuanian language students, 2004

Other Courses with Baltic Content, taught in English

  • SCAND 490 B: Baltic Cultures (3 credits).  Monday and Wednesday, 1:10-3:20 pm, Savery Hall 313. Masterpieces of Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Literature, Film, Art and Music.  No knowledge of Baltic languages required.  Instructor: Guntis Smidchens.

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Special events: (click here for printable calendar)

  • June 23: Midsummer Celebration Waterfront Activities Center

  • July 12, 1:10 pm: "Currents in Baltic Music 1"
    Series opening lecture by Vance Wolverton (California State U, Fullerton). Savery Hall 313.

  • July 12, 7:00 pm: "Currents in Baltic Music 2" 
    Concert of Baltic Organ Music, by Peggy Wolverton.  University Presbyterian Church, 4540 15th Avenue N.E. (Tentative program)

  • July 26, 1:10 pm: Images of America in the Baltic: “Does it Look Like Happiness” (2003), a documentary film about the experiences of young Latvians who recently immigrated to the USA, will be followed by discussion with the director of the film, Ieva Salmane. Thomson Hall 101.

  • July 29, 1:00-6:00 pm: Student Research Symposium. Participants: students in intensive Baltic languages courses discuss their research about Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.  HUB room 309.

  • July 29, 7:00 pm: "Currents in Baltic Music 3"
    Seattle Chamber Players concert of recent Baltic chamber music, Brechemin Auditorium, Music Building.  Program will continue and expand on the "Icebreaker II" concert series in February 2004.  (Tentative program)

  • July 30, 7:00 pm: Images of America in the Baltic: “Does it Look Like Happiness” (2003), a documentary film about the experiences of young Latvians who recently immigrated to the USA, will be followed by discussion with the director of the film, Ieva Salmane. Thomson Hall 101.

  • August 2, 1:10 pm: Symposium: Images of America in the Baltic
    Participants: Piibi-Kai Kivik (Indiana University), Iveta Grinberga (U of Latvia), Dalia Cidzikaite (U of Illinois at Chicago).  Savery Hall 313

  • August 3 1:00-5:00 pm: Symposium on Methods and Materials of Baltic Language Teaching.  Participants-- all BALSSI language instructors.  Raitt Hall 314.

  • August 4, 1:10 pm: Symposium: Images of America in the Baltic
    Participants: Thomas Salumets (U of British Columbia), Violeta Kelertas (U of Illinois at Chicago), Inta Carpenter (Indiana U).  Savery Hall 313.  Followed by a reception hosted by the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies, place TBA. 

  • August 9, 7:00 pm: "Currents in Baltic Music 4"
    Dainius Vaicekonis, Concert of Baltic piano music, Brechemin Auditorium, Music Building.  (Tentative program)

  • August 13 and 16: Festival of Estonian Animated Film and lectures by Christopher Robinson, internationally respected film critic and author of Between Genius and Utter Illiteracy: A Story of Estonian Animation (Tallinn: Varrak Publishing, 2003).  Friday, August 13: 1:10-3:20 and 7:00-9:00 pm.  Monday, August 16: 1:10-3:20 and 7:00-9:00 pm.  Thomson Hall 101. 

  • August 19, 7:00 pm: Elizabeth Wilson, "Currents in Baltic Music" lecture / performance, Music Building 213.

  • Plus...  Friday Film Series (Thomson Hall 101, 1:10 pm): June 25 Baltic Requiem (Latvia, 1991); July 2 Wedding (Latvia 2001) and King for a Day (Estonia 2002); July 9 Lunar Lithuania (Lithuania 1997); July 16 Elze's Life (Lithuania 1999); July 23 Names on a Marble Wall (Estonia 2002); July 30 The Shoe (Latvia 1998, Grand Prize Winner at Cannes); August 6 Good Hands (Estonia 2001); August 13 Estonian Animated Film. 

  • And more...

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Baltic Studies Summer Institute Consortium: BALSSI is sponsored by a consortium of ten American universities: University of California-Los Angeles; Harvard University; the University of Illinois (two area studies centers at Urbana: REEC and EU Center; and at UI-Chicago); two area studies centers at Indiana University: REEI and IAUNRC; the University of Iowa; the University of Michigan; the University of Texas; the University of Washington and the University of Wisconsin.  Universities interested in joining the consortium are invited to write to the BALSSI consortium coordinator, Guntis Smidchens <guntiss@u.washington.edu>

BALSSI 2004 is supported by grants from the Social Science Research Council, the Estonian American National Council and the American Latvian Association.

BALSSI 2005 will move from Seattle to Indiana University.  Please visit this website for updates. 

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Contact Information:

University of Washington
Baltic Studies Summer Institute
Department of Scandinavian Studies
Box 353420
Seattle WA 98195-3420
Tel (206)543-0645; Fax (206)685-9173
E-mail uwscand@u.washington.edu

University of Washington Baltic Studies Program
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Website updated July 11, 2004