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Mike Marchand

People - Students - Cohort 2 - Mike Marchand

Mike Marchand

Education: M.A. Urban and Regional Planning, Eastern Washington University, 1992; B.A. Economics and Urban and Regional Planning, Eastern Washington University, 1976.

Major: Forest Resources

Advisor: Kristiina Vogt

Work Experience: Tribal Chaimran/Councilperson, Colville Conferederated Tribes; Colville Tribal Enterprises Corporation Board of Directors; NW Tribal Local Technical Assistance Program Director

Proposed PhD research focus:

  • Role of energy in NW Native American cultures in traditional tribal societies
  • Energy potentials of NW tribal forests
  • Development of an energy development framework for NW tribes
  • Barriers to NW tribal energy development, internal to tribes and external to tribes
  • Recommendations for policy and legislative development resources


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