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Program - Curriculum

UW BioResources IGERT Curriculum

The UW Bioresources IGERT includes a cross-cutting multicultural "sustainable societies" enrichment element woven into the Ph.D. experience. During the program, student and faculty gain classroom, project, and dissertation-based experiences that allow them to assess the lifecycle implications of technical designs, and to understand natural resources from the perspective of indigenous cultures. Our classroom and project work teams IGERT Engineering and Forest Resources students with American Indian Studies (AIS) faculty and students. The centerpiece of the curriculum is a two quarter multidisciplinary design and resource management project in Year 2 that involves collaboration with Washington State Native American communities.

Curriculum Details (UPDATED November, 2009)


Year 1 Fall

Departmental Work

Fieldtrip to Tribal Nation (2 days)

Orientation to Bioenergy IGERT (1 day)


Sustainable Resources in Indigenous Communities (CFR 590F/ AIS 499, 3 credits, IGERT only). Provides insight into the cultural aspects of resource management. Examines the underlying 'facts or myths' that have been used to support whether indigenous communities have sustainbly lived, managed and harvest resources from their lands.

Energy, Tribes and Sustainability Journal Club (CFR 521F , 2 credits) IGERT Fellows explore current issues in renewable energy sectors today


LCA Journal Club ( ME 599, 2 credits)

Recommended: Economics of Conservation (ESRM 465, 3 credits)


Bioenergy Short Course (one week)

Year 2 Fall

GIS/Remote Sensing Journal Club (1-2 credits)

Tribal Energy Design Prep Seminar (1 credit)

Recommended: Life Cycle Assessment (ME515/ ENVIR515/ CEE561/ CHEM E 576, 3 credits). Prepares students to conduct quantitative assessment models of bioenergy systems.


Tribal Energy Design I (5 credits)

Spring Tribal Energy Design II (5 credits)
Year 3 Fall Lead Bioenergy IGERT student orientation (1 day)



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