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Keywords: persistence, students of color, influences, motivation

Persistence in Engineering Education: Experiences of First Year Students
at a Historically Black University

Most students are both academically prepared and motivated to study engineering when they enroll as first year students in engineering majors. Unfortunately, engineering programs experience considerable attrition during the first two years of study. Because first year experiences play a major role in reinforcing persistence for achievement in engineering, it is important for engineering educators to be aware of potential hurdles that can affect student achievement.

Method and Background
The following results about first year engineering student performance are from the Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education (CAEE) Academic Pathways Study. Quantitative and qualitative data were gathered from surveys, structured interviews, and ethnographic interviews conducted during the second semester of the participants’ first year. The survey was administered to 36 participants, 28 participants took part in structured interviews, and 8 participants participated in unstructured ethnographic interviews.

Seventy-five percent of participants indicated that the enjoyment of mathematics and science and financial concerns were primary motivational factors in their pursuit of an engineering education.
What We Found
Survey results showed that 75 percent of participants indicated that the enjoyment of mathematics and science and financial concerns were primary motivational factors in their pursuit of an engineering education. Family influence was reported as a less significant factor. Results also indicated that most students were satisfied with the quality of instruction and availability of faculty, whereas they were much less satisfied with their academic advising experiences.

Structured and ethnographic interview results were compiled and evaluated according to six persistence factors: family influences, financial motivation, mathematics and science proficiency, academic advising, quality of instruction, and availability of faculty. Generalized findings include the following: Implications of Findings
The results of this study provide an insight into the factors that affect the persistence of students of color in engineering at a historically black university. Focusing on students of color with diverse characteristics allows the findings to be generalized to other settings with similar demographics including students of color at predominantly white institutions. The initial findings suggest that many of the persistence factors found in studies of other populations are also potential factors for students of color. One factor, financial motivation, appears to be a strong factor in persistence although other researchers (see the work of J. Grandy, J. Higher Education, 69(6):589-260, 1998) did not find it to be significant.

Additional survey and interview data will be gathered over the next two years from the study participants. The team anticipates being able to draw stronger conclusions about factors that influence beginning student persistence when it is known which students earned engineering degrees and what hurdles they overcame.

Authors: Lorraine Fleming, Kimarie Engerman, and Ashley Griffin
Source: Proceedings of the 2005 American Society of Engineering Education Conference

The full paper, including references, is available via ASEE proceedings search.

For a printable pdf of this research brief, click here.

Brief created April 2007

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