Chemistry Division
Special Libraries Association

Reports on the Winners' Circle of Best Web Sites

Winners's Circle of Best Science Web Sites
Tuesday, June 12, 2001: 12-1:15 pm
Reported by Claudia Lascar, Science-Engineering Library, City College of New York

Winner's Circle of Best Science Web Sites is one of the most popular programs at SLA Annual Conference. This year's session did not disappoint its large audience.

Penny Boyle, senior contract librarian at the US Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 in Chicago for more than 14 years, covered winning environmental and forestry web sites. The environmental sites included web sites from the EPA, arctic and polar, invasive species, roadless areas, and personal watercraft/ snowmobile web sites. The forestry websites include American and foreign resources. The annotated handout for this presentation can be found at:

Judith Currano, the head of the Chemistry Library at the University of Pennsylvania covered the winner chemistry web sites produced by governmental and academic organizations. The online courseware and subject tutorials presented are useful for undergraduate education. The online databases/databanks discussed have graphical and 3-D capability. The annotated handout that accompanied this presentation can be found at:

The last speaker was Diane Schmidt, the Biology Librarian and Associate Professor of Library Administration at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champain. Ms. Schmidt is also the co-author of the definitive biology reference source entitled " Using the Biological Literature", now in its second edition. The third edition will be published within the next couple of months. Ms Schmidt analyzed web directories for the biological sciences in terms of coverage, timeliness, selection policy, navigation and searching capabilities. The annotated handout of this presentation can be found at:

I found this session very interesting and informative. The speakers projected their expertise clearly and convincingly. The handouts will also be linked to:

Comments to:
Susanne J. Redalje
Chemistry Division

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This page updated August 2001