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Actuators based on SMA's and Ferromagnetic SMA's download acrobat

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  1. Y. Liang, M. Taya, Y. Kuga, 2003, "Design of diaphragm actuator based on ferromagnetic shape memory alloy composite", SPIE meeting, Smart Structure and Materials, San Diego, CA, March 2-6, March, 2003, Accepted.

  2. Y. Liang, Y. Sutou, T. Wada, C. Lee, M. Taya, T. Mori, 2003, "Magnetic field-induced reversible actuation using ferromagnetic shape memory alloys", Scripta Mat., v.48/10, pp. 1415-1419, 2003.

  3. Liang, Y., Sutou, Y., Wada, T., Lee, C.C., Taya, M., Mori, T.,2003, “Magnetic Field induced Reversible Actuation using Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys”, Scripta Materiala, vol. 48, 1415-1419.

  4. Wada, T., Liang, Y., Kato, H., Tagawa, T., Taya, M., and Mori., T., 2003, “Structural Change and Straining in Fe-Pd Polycrystals by Magnetic Field”, Materials Science and Engineering, A361, pp.75-82.

  5. Kato, H., Wada, T., Liang, Y., Tagawa, T., Taya, M., Mori, T., 2002, “Martensite Structure in Polycrystalline Fe-Pd”, Materials Science and Engineering-A, A332, pp.134-139.

  6. Liang, Y., Wada, T., Kato, H., Taya, M. and Mori, T, 2002, “Straining of Polycrystal of Fe-Pd with Martensite Structure by Uniaxial Loading”, Materials Science and Engineering-A , A338, 89-96.

  7. T. Wada, C. Lee, M. Taya, "Design of FePd Spring Actuators"

  8. M. Taya, T. Wada, M. Kusaka, C. Lee, "Design of Torque Actuators Based on Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy Composites"
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