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  1. H. Nozaki, M. Taya, 2001, "Elastic Fields in a Polyhedral Inclusion with Uniform Eigenstrains and related problems", J. Applied Mechanics, 68, 44, 441-452.

  2. H. Tamagawa, M. Taya, 2000, "A Theoretical prediction of the ions distribution in an Amphoteric Polymer Gel", Mater. Sci and Eng, A, 285, pp.314-325

  3. M. Taya, 1999, "Micromechanics modeling of Smart composites", Composites: Part A, 30, pp.531-536.

  4. Y. Kataoka, M. Taya, 1999, "Analysis of mechanical behavior of short-fiber composite using micromechanics: 2nd report, Effects of fiber clustering on stiffness and crack initiation", Trans JSME, 65 (631), pp.523-529

  5. H. Nozaki, T. Horibe, M. Taya, "The stress filled caused by a polygonal inclusion", JSME Internation Journal, in press.

  6. Y. Kataoka, M. Taya, M. Kinefuchi, "Analysis of Mechanical Behavior of Short-Fiber Composite using Micromechanics, 3rd report, Effects of Fiber-end Cracks of Stiffness Reduction", submitted to Trans. JSME.

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