Thank you for considering to contribute an application to CLAWPACK. In order to maintain an uniform aspect of the website, please fill in the information in the form below. We try to make the CLAWPACK application pages as appealing as possible, and therefore include nicely formatted mathematical descriptions of the problems, animations of typical results and links to high resolution visualizations. If possible we would greatly appreciate inclusion of such content when you upload your application. A script on our server will then glue together the various pieces into the standard format used on the CLAWPACK website.


Required information

Application submitted by:

First Name

Last Name


Application description:

Application group: Number of space dimensions:

Please give a short name (3-8 characters) for your application

Please give a short description of your application:

Additional information

If possible, please provide a LaTeX file with a concise description of your application. This should be a standard LaTeX 2e file with no included graphics, using the article class. It will be processed using pdftex and a link will be generated to the resulting PDF file.

Additional content

You may upload an image (preferably a small animation) which highlights the results you've obtained with CLAWPACK.

You may also upload several other images (including high resolution files). Links on your application page to these images will be generated automatically.





CLAWPACK web site






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