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GeoClaw Sample Code

These codes were developed to accompany the paper

The GeoClaw software for depth-averaged flows with adaptive refinement, 
by M.J. Berger, D.L. George, R.J. LeVeque, and K.M.  Mandli.  

Submitted to a special issue of Advances in Water Management, 2010. Link to preprint .

Radially symmetric ocean on a lat-long grid, so it doesn't look circular in the computational coordinates.

The profile of the ocean is set in function topo of [.html].

These parameters are specified in [.html].

Plots of results

After running this code and creating plots via "make .plots", you should be able to view the plots in _plots/_PlotIndex.html .

Plots for the figures shown in the paper have been computed and are visible here:

Fortran files

Makefile [.html]
Determines which version of fortran files are used when compiling the code with make and specifies where output and plots should be directed. Type "make .help" at the Unix prompt for options.

For the plots in the paper, use Makefile_220 [.html] for Test 1 or Makefile_260 [.html] for Test 2.

setprob.f [.html]
Sets the angle where the island is situated (220 or 260 for the tests in the paper).

Python files [.html]
Used to create topo file and qinit data file. [.html]
This file contains a function that specifies what run-time parameters will be used. The Makefiles for the paper use: [.html] and [.html] [.html]
This file contains a function that specifies what plots will be done and sets various plotting parameters. [.html]
For plotting the island topography [.html]
Runs code and makes all figures for the paper. This uses a number of other scripts below... [.html] [.html] [.html] [.html]

Data files

The .data files are automatically generated using the information in [.html].


To run both test problems and make all figures for the paper

  $ python

To run one example, e.g. Test 1:

  $ make all -f Makefile_220