Posters from the Minisymposterium on Clawpack Development, Extensions and
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, March 2015
- Links to
conference and
poster session.
Tsunami Modeling In North Africa Using Geoclaw Software: a Tool for the
Tsunami Scenario Database in the West Mediterranean
Lubna Amir, USTHB University, Algeria; Walter Dudley, University of Hawaii
at Hilo, USA; Jean Roger, G-Mer Etudes Marines, France
ForestClaw : Parallel, Adaptive, Multiblock Simulations for Clawpack
Donna Calhoun, Boise State University, USA
Adjoint Methods for Guiding Adaptive Mesh Refinement in Wave Propagation
Problems [poster]
Brisa Davis and Randall LeVeque, University of Washington, USA
A Community-Driven Collection of Approximate Riemann Solvers for Hyperbolic
Problems [poster]
Mauricio J. Del Razo, University of Washington, USA; David I. Ketcheson,
King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia;
Randall LeVeque, University of Washington, USA
High Resolution Tsunami Modeling at the Mediterranean Coast of Israel
Towards An Early Warning Tsunami Scenarios Data Bank
Barak Galanti, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research, Israel
PyClaw: Accurate, Scalable Solution of Hyperbolic PDEs in Python
David I. Ketcheson, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology
(KAUST), Saudi Arabia; Aron Ahmadia, U.S. Army Engineer Research and
Development Center, USA; Kyle T. Mandli, Columbia University, USA
Practical Applications of GeoClaw to Tsunami Hazard Assessment [poster]
Randall LeVeque, Loyce Adams, and Frank I. Gonzalez, University of
Washington, USA
CUDACLAW: A GPU Framework for the Solution of Hyperbolic Pdes
George M. Turkiyyah, American University of Beirut, Lebanon; H. Gorune
Ohannessian, University of Wisconsin, USA; Aron Ahmadia, U.S. Army Engineer
Research and Development Center, USA; David I. Ketcheson, King Abdullah
University of Science & Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia