NCLEHA Membership


Annual Conference -- The annual conference and business meeting are held concurrently with the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) Annual Conference for a savings in time and costs to many of our members.

Management Ideas -- At our conference, attendees are exposed to state of the art management and administration topics. Opportunities exist both at the annual conference and through the NCLEHA Newsletter to share ideas and concerns with fellow environmental health administrators.

Public Representation -- Members of NCLEHA are chosen to serve on a number of advisory and technical committees for groups such as NSF, APHA and NEHA. NCLEHA advocates local policy concerns regarding federal and state actions, legislation, standards and proposals and offers expertise based on local issues.

Recognition -- Awards, recognition and leadership opportunities are additional advantages of joining NCLEHA.

Peer Interaction -- NCLEHA provides the opportunity to discuss issues, review ideas and compare notes with peers from across the nation. If you have access to e-mail, NCLEHA has its own listserv for members to ask and receive information from each other.


For Active Membership

* Employment in an official local health agency (city, county, district or combination), in a district office of an official state agency, or in teaching environmental health, environmental engineering or public health at an accredited college or university, and,
* Employment in a professional capacity in the field of environmental health in a responsible supervisory, managerial, administrative or teaching or research position; and,
* Either graduation from a college or university with a bachelor of science degree in environmental health, environmental engineering or in one of the basic sciences, or achievement of outstanding professional status (and graduation from a four year college or university); and,
* Good moral character and adherence to professional ethics.

For Associate Membership

* Other environmental health professionals may join as Associate Members if they are officials concerned with local environmental health activities (such as technical and inspectional personnel, Federal and state health officers, health educators, etc.) and
* Possess good moral character and adherence to professional ethics.

TO JOIN NCLEHA: Dues: $25.00 annually

Membership Application: Click here for a printable application form or request an application package from:

Mr. Charles D. Treser
NCLEHA Treasurer
c/o University of Washington
DEOHS, Box 357234
Seattle, WA 98195-7234

National Conference of LocalEnvironmental Health Administrators
c/o David Riggs, Chair
1010 South Third Street • Dayton, WA 99328
Phn: (509) 382-2181 • Fax (360) 382-2942

Website maintained by Chuck Treser at the University of Washingotn
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Last modified: 7 /27/2009 7:10 am