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Tutorial 1

Simple WinForm Based Application


GOAL: To gain understanding of the GUI API and basic WinForm Window.


Creating the WinForm Window


  1. Open Microsoft Visual Studio .NET IDE
  2. Click on the menu item FILE >> NEW >> Project...
  3. in the ‘New Project’ Window, select

A.     Project Types: Other Languages >> Visual C# >> Windows

(Some VS 2005 do not have an ‘Other Languages tab, if that is the case you should see a C# tab somewhere if you have it installed)

B.     Templates: Windows Application

C.     Select a Name and Location and Solution Name for the application  (We will name ours Tutorial inside a project created folder)



D.     Click Ok once you have finished selecting a Name and Location.

E.      You now have a basic WinForm Application Created.

F.      Now you just need to Compile and Run.

G.     Go to Build -> Build Solution

H.     Go to Debug -> Start without Debugging



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