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Tutorial 2

GUI Elements and Control Variables


GOAL: To gain understanding of basic events by showing button clicks and text echoing.



Initially your Form1 [Design] window should be open, if it’s not:

  1. Click the project menu item View >> Solution Explorer
  2. Double-Click on Form1.cs

Now you have your Form1 [Design] window open.


Create “Button Clicks” Text Labels


  1. Open Toolbox (View >> Toolbox)
  2. Drag a Label to the [Design] window, bring up the properties window of the Label
    1. The properties window is often located at the bottom right of the screen, or you can bring up the properties window by Right-Mouse-Click over the Label object.
    2. As shown below, the top left of the properties window has a tab for the object’s properties, with a bunch of attributes which modify the object directly



      C. Change Text to “Button Clicks”.

3.   Drag another Label next to the “Button Clicks”, inside the properties window:

      A. Name to “Echo_Area”

      B. Text to “0”

      C. BorderStyle to “Fixed3D”

      D. AutoSize to “false”


Create “Add” Button


  1. Drag a Button above the “Button Clicks” Text, inside the properties window:

A.     Name to “Btn_Add”

B.     Text to “Click to Add”


Create “Quit” Button


  1. Drag a Button anywhere on the [Design] Window, inside properties window:

A.     Name to “Btn_Quit”

B.     Text to “Quit”


Add Event Handlers


There are two ways you can do this, We illustrate the first way with the “Click to Add” button:


  1. Click on the “Click To Add” Button in the [Design] window
  2. Bring up the properties window
  3. Instead of clicking on the properties tab, go to Events tab as shown below
    1. As shown below, inside the properties window, there is an Event’s tab.

  1. At the very top in the events tab you’ll see the boxes for your “Click To Add” Button, where you can add event handlers. In this case, we are interested in the click event.


  1. Click and add Event handler (Btn_Add_Click) for the click event as shown above. Typing in the event handler’s name will take you into the Form1.cs file. To go back to the [Design] window, go to the Solution Explorer again and double click on Form1.cs

            (For future reference you can also just double-click your left mouse button on the blank space here and have it create the Event handler with its default name).


We illustrate the second way of adding event hander with the “Quit” button:

  1. In your [Design] window, double-click on the “Quit” Button.


Notice that in both cases, we created functions with the buttons’ names followed by the “_click”. These are the event handler functions for the “click” event on the buttons.


Setting Variables and Function


  1. In your Solution Explorer go to Form1.Designer.cs
  2. At the bottom you’ll see some private functions, above these functions add in a private int variable: private int numClicks;
  3. Now go to your [Design] window, right click on the window and view code.
  4. You should see your Form1 constructor, and your two buttons functions.
  5. In your Form1 constructor, add the code to initialize numClicks


  1. Now inside the function code block for Btn_Add_Click(...), add the following code



  1. Now inside the function code block for Btn_Quit_Click(...), add the following code





Your basic application should now be done. 

§         In Visual Studio Project Window, click

1.      Build >> Build Solution

2.      Debug >> Start to run


You should now see your Form, clicking on the “Click to Add” button should display an increasing number in the textbox/label and clicking on the “Quit” button should end the application.





Next Tutorial 3