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Tutorial 4

Slider Control Variables


GOAL: Experience event-driven application with a Timer and Mouse events



Add a Timer


  1. Add a label to echo the Timer, change the label properties as:

A.     Name to “Timer_Echo”

B.     Text to “0”

C.     BorderStyle to “Fixed3D

D.     AutoSize to “False”

  1. Open the ToolBox
  2. Above “Common Controls” expand “All Window Forms”
  3. Drag a Timer to the [Design] Window, inside the properties window, change

A.     Enabled to “true”

B.     Interval to “1000”

4. Create a Service Routine, again to service the Timer events

                  A.  Go to Events double-click on blank space to the right of Tick

5    Before putting code into the Timer function block, go into Form1.Designer.cs

      Add in another private int variable, I called it counter.

6.   Initialize counter to “0” inside Form1.cs

7.   Now inside the function code block for timer1_Tick(...), add the following code:

private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)



            Timer_Echo.Text = counter.ToString() + “ : Seconds have passed”;




Create Mouse Echo Text


  1. Add a label to echo Mouse position, change the label properties as:

A.     Name to “Mouse_Echo”

B.     Text to “”

C.     BorderStyle to “Fixed3D”

D.     AutoSize to “False”


Mouse Button Events (Left and Right)


  1. Create a Service Routine for MouseDown, (This will create a routine that will trigger everytime a mouse button is clicked, then within the routine you can decipher which mouse button it was) to do this go to the [Design] window
  2. Click on the main window form, Form1, go to Events

A.     Go to the Mouse Events

B.     Double-Click on the blank space to the right of MouseDown

3. Now inside the function code block for Form1_MouseDown(...), add the following

private void Form1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


            if  (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)


                        Mouse_Echo.Text = “Left Mouse Down at “ + e.X.ToString() + “ , “ +                                                                         e.Y.ToString();


            if  (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)


                        Mouse_Echo.Text = “Right Mouse Down at “ + e.X.ToString() + “ , “ +                                                                       e.Y.ToString();




Mouse Move Event


  1. Create a Service Routine for MouseMove, to do this go to the [Design] Window
  2. Click on the main window form, Form1, go to Events

A. Go to the Mouse Events

B. Double-Click on the blank space to the right of MouseMove

3.   Now inside the function code block for Form1_MouseMove(...), add the following


















§         In the Visual Studio project window, click

    1. Build >> Build Solution
    2. Debug >> Start to run




Next Tutorial 5