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Tutorial 3

Slider Control Variables


GOAL: To understand that control variables can be a pre-defined class and demonstrate working with control variables.



Add Text Fields


1.      Open the Toolbox

2.      Drag a label to the [Design] window, rename

                        A.  Text to “Vertical Bar”

3.   Drag another label to the [Design] window, change:

                        A.  Text to “0”

                        B.  BorderStyle to “Fixed3D”

                        C.  Name to “V_Slider_Echo”

                        D.  AutoSize to “false”



Add Vertical Slider Bar


1.      Open the Toolbox

2.      Above “Common Controls” hit the expand box next to “All Windows Forms”

3.      Drag a VScrollBar to the [Design] window, inside the properties window, change:

A.     Name to “V_SLIDER_BAR”

B.     LargeChange to “1”

C.     Inside these properties you can change the maximum/minimum

      Range of your scroll bar, default should be 0 – 100.

D.  If you want to change your min/max values, simply click on your ScrollBar in the [Design] window, right-click and go to properties, you’ll see the appropriate items to change under the behavior section.



Create Service Routine


1.  Click on your Vertical Scroll Bar in the [Design] window

2.  Go to Events and double click on the blank box next to “Scroll”

3.  Now inside the function code block for V_Slider_Bar_Scroll(...) put one of the two:



Add Horizontal Bar


1.  Repeat steps for Adding Vertical Slider Bar with the following changes:

2.  Inside the Slider Control properties window, change

            A.  Name to “H_Slider_Bar

3.  Add a label for the H_Slider_Bar output.

            A.  Name to “H_Slider_Echo”

            B.  Text to “0”

            C.  AutoSize to “false”

4.  Create a Service Routine, click on the H_Slider_Bar, go to events

            A.  Inside Events, double-click on the blank space next to “Scroll”

5.  Now inside the function code block for H_Slider_Bar_Scroll(...), add the following code:


















§         In the Visual Studio project window, click

    1. Build >> Build Solution
    2. Debug >> Start to run


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