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Tutorial 8

Grouping of GUI Elements


GOAL: Group sections of GUI elements as an advantage of organizing the user interface

PREQUISITES: Tutorials 1 - 7


Creating a Placeholder


  1. Drag a Panel object to the [Design]Window
    1. Name to “Placeholder”
    2. BorderStyle to “FixedSingle”
  2. Currently your [Design]Window should look somewhat like the following: (I added a Quit Button but technically you don’t really have too)


Creating a Container


  1. Inside the Solution Explorer, Right-Mouse-Button Click on your Project and Add->> New Item->>User Control
  2. You can now add controls and functionality to the User Control form just like you would in your normal [Design]Window form.  Once you have added a couple of items, let’s test out replacing our original Placeholder with your new User Control.
  3. You can look at the following to see how I did my User Control




Replacing the Placeholder with the User Control


  1. Navigate your way to view your code from your main [Design]Window
  2. Inside the code, add the following:






§         In the Visual Studio project window, click

    1. Build >> Build Solution
    2. Debug >> Start to run


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