
Errata for

Essentials of Interactive Computer Graphics: Concepts and Implementation



Last update: 10/6/2008.


Typo/Fixes of on-line resources:

·       Does not compile with Visual Studio2008: This problem is fixed and all tutorials are re-released. Simply re-download all the tutorials. The new-releases compile with both 2005 and 2008. Fixed on-line (10/3/2008).

·       Typo on:

o   Step 4: Instead of “MFC_Library1.h” it should read “MFC_Library.vcproj”. Fixed on-line (10/6/2008).



Typo/Fixes in the book:

  • P277, Listing 10.8:

   dcx = (m_WCWindow.Width()/2.0f) + ((dcW/m_WCWindow.Width())  * (-center.x + wcx));

   dcy = (m_WCWindow.Height()/2.0f) + ((dcH/m_WCWindow.Height()) * (-center.y + wcy));

The highlighted lines should be: dcW and dcH. Notice this is a bug in the actual source code in all of the libraries after Lib10. This function (WorldToDevice()) is included for completeness and is not actually called from anywhere in any of the tutorials.



Bugs in the Library (all versions):

  • Lib 12 and above (Tutorial 11.7 and after):

              UWB_BoundingBox UWB_SceneNode::GetBounds(…) const

Bug: This function can potentially return a wrong bounding box if mPrimitive is empty (null pointer).

Fix: Perform the operations of lines 121 to 146 only if mPrimitive is defined:



If (null != mPrimitive) { // The FIX

    //Draw the box for debugging



    vec3 minPt = box.GetMin();

    vec3 maxPt = box.GetMax();

    vec3 pt1(minPt.x, minPt.y, minPt.z);

    vec3 pt2(maxPt.x, minPt.y, minPt.z);


    vec3 pt8(minPt.x, maxPt.y, maxPt.z);

    helper.TransformPoint( pt1 );

    helper.TransformPoint( pt2 );


    helper.TransformPoint( pt8 );



    box.Add( UWB_BoundingBox(pt1, pt2) );


    box.Add( UWB_BoundingBox(pt7, pt8) );

} // End of fix



NSFThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0442420. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Nation Science Foundation.

MSThe refinement of this course material is supported by a grant from Microsoft Research under the Computer Gaming Curriculum in Computer Science RFP, Award Number 15871.

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Last updated: Jun 2008 KS