The Fifth International Conference of the Learning Sciences

Seattle, Washington

October 23-26, 2002

Call for proposals to host ICLS 2004

The conference committee of the International Society for the Learning Sciences invites proposals from organizations interested in hosting the Sixth International Conference on the Learning Sciences.

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Learning sciences research explores the nature and conditions of learning as it occurs in educational environments, broadly construed. The learning sciences field draws upon multiple theoretical perspectives and research paradigms from the human sciences in order to understand the complexities associated with learning, cognition, and development. .

Conference Theme

"Keeping Learning Complex: Fostering Multidisciplinary Research Efforts"

Human learning is too complex a phenomena to be the sole province of any one discipline. At ICLS 2002 we will seek to further explore the generative possibilities of the learning sciences by bringing together different disciplinary perspectives on learning. We will focus on the promises and challenges of conducting inter/multi-disciplinary research on learning. Submissions are invited from studies of learning in schools, workplaces, networked environments like the Web, museums, after-school clubs, and homes. We are especially interested in research with a dual focus on the nature, processes, or practices of learning, cognition, or development on the one hand and on insights for design and education that can be gained from this research on the other.

Conference Chairs

Philip Bell, University of Washington

Reed Stevens, University of Washington

Steering Committee

International Relations Chairs

Yrjö Engeström, University of Helsinki

Giyoo Hatano, University of the Air

Iris Tabak, Ben-Gurion University

Doctoral Consortium

Leslie Rupert Herrenkohl, University of Washington

Christopher Hoadley, SRI International

John Frederiksen, University of Washington

Community Memory Co-Chairs

PETTT Video Traces group, University of Washington

Teacher-Researcher Liaison Chair

Jim Minstrell, Talaria Inc.

Conference Advisor

Tim Koschmann, Southern Illinois University


Jennifer Turns, University of Washington

Scott Macklin, University of Washington


Bill Winn, University of Washington

Program Committee

Cynthia J. Atman, University of Washington

Sasha Barab, Indiana University

Brigid Barron, Stanford University

Eric Baumgartner, University of California, Berkeley

Sean Brophy, Vanderbilt

Amy Bruckman, Georgia Institute of Technology

Allan Collins, Northwestern University

Kevin Crowley, University of Pittsburgh

Elizabeth A. Davis, University of Michigan

Andrea A. diSessa, University of California, Berkeley

Daniel C. Edelson, Northwestern University

Noel Enyedy, UCLA

Barry Fishman, University of Michigan

Janice Gobert, Concord Consortium

Louis Gomez, Northwestern University

Jim Greeno, Stanford University

Mark Gross, University of Washington

Mark Guzdial, Georgia Institute of Technology

Kai Hakkarainen, University of Helsinki

Rogers Hall, University of California, Berkeley

Margaret Honey, Education Development Center

Celia Hoyles, Institute of Education, University of London

Sherry Hsi, Metacourse, Inc.

Yasmin Kafai, UCLA

Elham Kazemi, University of Washington

Ken Koedinger, Carnegie-Mellon University

Janet Kolodner, Georgia Institute of Technology

Joe Krajcik, University of Michigan

Carol Lee, Northwestern University

Marcia C. Linn, University of California, Berkeley

Deborah McCutchen, University of Washington

Judit Moschkovich, University of California, Santa Cruz

Richard Noss, Institute of Education, University of London

Annemarie Palincsar, University of Michigan

Roy Pea, Stanford University

Anthony Petrosino, University of Texas at Austin

Nichole Pinkard, University of Michigan

Joseph L. Polman, University of Missouri, St. Louis

Brian Reiser, Northwestern University

Mitchel Resnick, MIT

Jeremy Roschelle, SRI International

Bill Sandoval, UCLA

Alan Schoenfeld, University of California, Berkeley

Miriam Sherin, Northwestern University

Bruce Sherin, Northwestern University

Jim Slotta, University of California, Berkeley

Brian K. Smith, MIT

Elliot Soloway, University of Michigan

Nancy Butler Songer, University of Michigan

Gerry Stahl, Fraunhofer-FIT, Germany, and Drexel University, USA

Phil Vahey, SRI International

Uri Wilensky, Northwestern University
Susan Williams, University of Texas at Austin