2nd Northwest Computational Neuroscience Connection
Held at the University of Washington Campus, Seattle, WA
N.B. VENUE CHANGED!!! No longer in Waterfront Activities Center.
VENUE: Auditorium, Mezzanine Level, UW Tower (directions, map)
October 1-2, 2010
Confirmed speakers include:
Michael Dickinson, University of Washington
Jay Rubinstein, University of Washington
Michael Rudd, University of Washington
Terry Sejnowski, UC San Diego / Salk Inst.
Michael Shadlen, University of Washington
Nicholas Swindale, University of British Columbia
Terry Takahashi, University of Oregon
Emo Todorov, University of Washington
This short conference will bring together the diverse community of scientists, mathematicians, and engineers in the Northwest who are using computational tools for neuroscience research, with a primary goal of facilitating new collaborations. We'll have tutorial introductions on computational neuroscience "language," methods and concepts, research-level talks, posters, and a scientific social.
Mathematical Biosciences Institute (NSF/OSU)
UW Department of Applied Mathematics
UW Department of Physiology and Biophysics
UW Department of Computer Science
UW Center for integrative Neuroscience
UW Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center
Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering
MAIN CONFERENCE 11 AM - 7 PM (with lunch + dinner reception)
SAT OCT 2: TUTORIAL 8:30-9:30 AM
MAIN CONFERENCE 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM (with coffee/pastries + lunch)
Please Register (the event is FREE; meals and refreshments also provided free of charge to registered attendees)!
VENUE: UW Tower (directions, map). This is the tallest building in U-district ... this one:
Right next to Hotel Deca. 2 blocks west of Seattle main campus’s north entrance, and a 10 minute walk from central campus. 4333 Brooklyn Ave NE
All events in Auditorium (Mezzanine Level) or just outside.
Getting into the tower: UW attendees can swipe Husky cards at the turnstiles. Non-UW registrants will be on a list -- please give your name to the guard (+ might need to show an ID). Non-UW non-registrants: no problem, but might be asked to fill out name on a sheet by guard.
HOTEL INFORMATION: A block of rooms is on hold at Hotel Deca for the rate of $125 / night, for nights of Sept 30 and Oct 1, under "Computational Neuroscience" as the event name. Rooms held until Sept 10; but discounted price still available after that date (please give event name). A block of rooms is also on hold at the College Inn -- rooms (all have shared bath, European-style) are as low as half of the Deca price. These are held until Sept. 15, also under "Computational Neuroscience."
** A limited amount of travel support may be available for junior attendees who are presenting posters -- please email your name, position, department / institution, and poster title to info@amath.washington.edu with subject "TRAVEL SUPPORT FOR COMP NEURO CONNECTION" by Sept 1, 2010 if you are interested in applying for this support. Decisions about travel support will be made shortly thereafter.
Andrea Barreiro (barreiro@amath.washington.edu), Adrienne Fairhall
(fairhall@u.washington.edu), Eric Shea-Brown (etsb@washington.edu)
* If you're in the Seattle area, please sign up for our email list: mailman2.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/compneuro