"Ten million atoms isn't cool, you know what's cool? Ten thousand atoms" *

Be-10/Al-26 data for Lake Bonneville shoreline samples, Promontory Point, Utah

When referring to these data, please cite: Lifton N. et al. (2015), In situ cosmogenic nuclide production rate calibration for the CRONUS-Earth project from Lake Bonneville, Utah, shoreline features. Quaternary Geochronology 26, 56-69.

Sample Latitude Longitude Altitude Elev/Press Thickness Density Shielding Erosion Be-10 +/- Be-10 Be-10 std Al-26 +/- Al-26 Al-26 std
DD DD m cm g/cm^3 factor cm/yr atom/g atom/g atom/g atom/g
05-PPT-01-2 41.26367 -112.47527 1603.0 std 3.00 2.65 0.9800 0. 254177. 3743. 07KNSTD 1684120. 61759. KNSTD
05-PPT-02-2 41.26367 -112.47527 1603.0 std 3.00 2.65 0.9940 0. 259429. 3411. 07KNSTD 1724550. 56121. KNSTD
05-PPT-03-2 41.26356 -112.47580 1600.0 std 3.50 2.65 0.9920 0. 248992. 3452. 07KNSTD 1780020. 54194. KNSTD
05-PPT-03-2-rpt 41.26356 -112.47580 1600.0 std 3.50 2.65 0.9920 0. 243492. 3276. 07KNSTD 1677370. 61978. KNSTD
05-PPT-04-2 41.26362 -112.47693 1598.0 std 2.50 2.66 0.9780 0. 253911. 4307. 07KNSTD 1683490. 74611. KNSTD
05-PPT-05-2 41.26390 -112.47498 1605.0 std 4.00 2.67 0.9910 0. 275080. 5399. 07KNSTD 1734670. 57593. KNSTD
05-PPT-05-2-rpt 41.26390 -112.47498 1605.0 std 4.00 2.67 0.9910 0. 247000. 3331. 07KNSTD 1801410. 65517. KNSTD
05-PPT-08-2 41.26379 -112.47476 1606.0 std 2.50 2.68 0.9870 0. 253588. 3512. 07KNSTD 1776620. 52561. KNSTD

05-PPT-03-2-rpt and 05-PPT-05-2-rpt are duplicate samples, prepared from fresh quartz.

Samples prepared in the University of Washington Cosmogenic Nuclide Lab. Be-10 and Al-26 analyzed at LLNL-CAMS.