MOISA 2: Fostering Regional Partnerships and Innovation for Maritime Security, Safety, and Resilience

The second year of the Maritime Operational Information Sharing Analysis project (MOISA 2) was conducted from October 2014 through September 2015. MOISA 2 built on the understanding and analysis of the Puget Sound information sharing environment (ISE) and the operational practices of Federal, state, local, tribal, international, public and private regional partners (the FSLTIPP) gained during MOISA’s first year (see Background). MOISA 2 expanded on the MOISA 1 analysis by focusing on two new use cases – (1) operational planning and scheduling and (2) small vessel security (MOISA 1 had conducted an in-depth analysis of a terminal security use case). In addition to adding new use cases, MOISA 2 extended its MOISA 1 Federal partnerships, consisting of: the DHS Interagency Operations Centers program (IOC); the National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office (NMIO); and the Program Manager for the Information Sharing Environment (PM-ISE), to include the DHS S&T IMDE/CSS program and its prime developer, SRI International. Thanks to these new partnerships and opportunities, MOISA 2 broke new conceptual and methodological ground in achieving improved information sharing to enhance unity of effort and foster innovative partnerships across the diverse community of Puget Sound maritime security and safety stakeholders.

MOISA 2 Report
Project Interoperability White Paper
