Integrated Corridor Management

In collaboration with the Mobility Innovation Center (MIC) and Challenge Seattle, CoSSaR is working to enhance the design and delivery of an enhanced integrated corridor management (ICM) system and related services for the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the city of Seattle. In the larger scheme, these services will enhance the capabilities of traffic managers, first responders and others involved in traffic incident management and congestion management to take actions to prepare for, cope with and recover from traffic congestion and associated delays along the Seattle I-5 corridor.

For more information on the project, View: Co-Designing the Cloud

For more information on Challenge Seattle, Visit: Challenge Seattle Transportation Initiatives

For more information on the Mobility Innovation Center (MIC) Visit: MIC at Co-Motion UW

  • Mark Haselkorn, PhD — Professor, Human Centered Design & Engineering, Director of CoSSaR, Principal Investigator (PI) and Director of the SECURE Center, Co-PI for UCC Project
  • Sonia Savelli, PhD — Senior Research Scientist, Human Centered Design & Engineering, Co-Director of CoSSaR, PI for UCC Project, Co-PI and National Co-Design Lead of the SECURE Center
  • Susannah Ellis — CoSSaR Program Coordinator