The Study of Life

The Study of Life is a biology text book built for an iPad. It features interactivity through tappable, step-by-step illustrations, video and audio clips, and responsive diagrams.

Lia Prins


Curiosity is a publication that explores how the world works and why, as seen from the realms of art, language, history, science, and math. Through carefully curated and edited articles, friendly yet simple diagrams, and intriguing imagery, Curiosity aims to cultivate a desire for knowledge and exploration within its readership. This issue focused on a theme of “perspective”. I designed both a print and an iPad version, using InDesign’s Digital Publishing Suite for the latter.

Lia Prins

Worldly Birds

Which birds go where and when? Worldly Birds is an interactive look at the seasonal migration patterns of twenty-five birds species from around the world, coded with Processing. Hovering over a button reveals the bird represented by that color, and focuses its data via enlarged dots on the map. Users can choose which birds’ data is displayed by turning on or off the colored buttons along the bottom of the screen, enabling them to compare species over time.

Lia Prins