Scope Magazine

The magazine that looks at the strange, flawed and human side of science. Scope is about how science is changing in a broader sense and also focuses on the hidden stories that you won’t read about in other science publications. The stories in this first issue cover a range of subjects from a guy who makes nuclear power at home to a retrospective of the Russian space program. Science is about more than hard facts and theories, it’s about the humans that guide its path.

Nick Simmons

Plastic in the Pacific Ocean

One of the biggest problems facing the many ecosystems in the Pacific Ocean is the vast amount of plastic that enters the water from various sources. This educational poster gives a broad look at how plastic get’s into the Pacific, the effect it has on wildlife, and what is being done to understand and solve this massive problem.

Nick Simmons

Turn Off the Lights

A small way to save energy is to remember to turn off the lights when they aren’t being used. This campaign uses the memorable and perhaps frightening image of Thomas Edison to urge the viewer into improving their behavior in a small way that can add up. Voice: Devin Field.

Nick Simmons