Short Haul Airline Seating

My seat concept is a fixed, non-adjusting platform meant for budget-based, short haul airlines in the year 2020. It uses a shortened, fixed armrest that allows egress and pays proper attention to the needs of handicapped and elderly passengers. The concept proposes a significant reduction in weight over current designs by eliminating complicated mechanical parts and electronics. Utilizing a light weight carbon-fiber tube construction, the frame is inspired by modern day carbon bicycle frame construction.

Robert Beyer

The Cube, Adjustable Stool

The goal was to develop an adjustable stool with hidden mechanical parts, using only wood as a build material. The cube form pays homage to the design education process of learning how to draw objects in perspective.

Robert Beyer

La Luce Della Bicicletta

Blending science fiction and the bicycle, this lamp creates complex organic forms with simple mechanical parts.

Robert Beyer