Palette of Place
This project was inspired by the question, “How can we examine the colors a place and how do those colors change over time?” Using locationally tagged photos sourced from Instagram and a visualization technique developed in Processing, Palette of Place visualizes the photos taken of a place throughout the year.
From a distance, these visualizations offer a unique sort of visual fingerprint for a place. When viewed up close, other details become clearer, such as remarkably regular weekend spikes, certain days that have amazing sunsets, and even changes in weather and season. Through the Palette of Place, insights about a place are now possible that weren’t available through the Instagram newsfeed.
Lingu is an immersive language learning tool inspired by first language acquisition that promotes a natural learning experience for adults, Designed for use with the selective hearing and real time translation capabilities of wearable technology, Lingu builds speech perception and speech production with a series of exploratory exercises that are carried out in everyday environments. Lessons in vocabulary, grammar and conversation are carried out with integrated daily practice that takes advantage of ‘down time, operating across multiple media platforms.
Villains is a Women’s Literature Conference that is dedicated to the role of the femme fatale.
This project involved imagining an idea for a literature conference, and creating the brand, marketing, and communication systems to promote it.