Self-tracking can help chronic illness patients take more control over their health, but the participation of doctors is important to interpreting tracked data accurately.
Chronologic is a platform for patients and clinicians to track and manage chronic illness together, illustrating how new patient-centered technologies can be responsibly utilized in clinical care.
Jonathan CookCommunity Slate
Community Slate is a concept platform for city planners to inform neighborhoods about developments and get feedback throughout a project timeline. Through a development sign, mobile phone, or desktop, residents are able to access the system and provide their input.
After researching public participation in development processes and speaking with local planners, we were optimistic that a platform allowing people to quickly be informed and give their opinion on the go would improve both the quantity and the quality of planning feedback.
2013 Core77 Service Design Award Runner Up
2014 Interaction Design Awards Shortlist
Brad Trinnaman
Asmi Joshi
Dana Lee
Kim Lewis
Erin Murphy
Jonathan CookMonologger
Monologger is a tool to help doctors become more empathic communicators by visualizing engagement in medical conversation.
Studies show that effective communication between doctors and patients has a number of medical benefits, especially in the treatment of chronic conditions. Despite this, many doctors fail to see problems in their communication with patients. Monologger uses Processing to analyze clinical transcript text and output a print or interactive summary showing how the doctor and patient engaged in conversation. The traits isolated by the tool are based on the “Four Habits Model,” a set of widely adopted guidelines on effective medical communication.
Monologger was accepted as a works in progress paper for D.I.S. 2014