Lucas Gonzalez
Industrial DesignPerfect Cup Espresso Maker
Great tasting coffee is a game of precision. Espresso machines are often black boxes. The user presses a button and out comes coffee and even with semi-automatic machines the user often goes through the steps without much realization of what it takes to get the best tasting cup possible.
This espresso machine is designed around providing the home barista with hard data so that they can duplicate or make fine adjustments to their daily cup. Thus informing and assisting the home barista.
Lucas GonzalezE-Commuter Scooter
The E-Commmuter Scooter is an electric scooter designed to work in cooperation with the metro systems already in place. A simple swipe of a card and the docking station releases its magnetic hold allowing the metro user a generous amount of time to meet all their commuter needs. The main goal of having such a system in place is to help solve the last mile problem. Transit stations are fixed location stops but you may have multiple destinations around a stop where waiting for a bus seems inefficient and walking takes too much effort or time. An electric scooter helps solve this issue by minimizing effort and time while allowing the user to customize and choose their own route. It can become compact and towable allowing you to take it with you in almost every situation.
Lucas GonzalezInfant Brain Imaging Chair
MEG brain scanners need the patient to sit still while scanning which is hard task when your scanning infants. This design is a lift and chair system with the goal of implementing a better method of positioning and immobilizing an infant while maximizing the available good baby time (when they arent upset). The Bi-directional lift allows for the baby to be placed in the chair away from the machine and then be pushed back and up into the brain imaging scanner with a single push of the foot. The contoured chair utilizes a bib like system with a single point of adjustment that tightens the whole harness securing the baby in place.