Melinda Kuei
Interaction Design
The Microsoft Expo topic of Spring 2015 was on Inclusive Design. We decided to tackle the grocery shopping space after conducting some research and interviews. Shopping for groceries is a necessity, but more often than not, these spaces are designed with only the able bodied in mind. We created an app platform that would allow neighbors to assist each other in grocery shopping by sharing shopping lists and picking up items for each other if they’re at the store already. This benefits the able-bodied as each person would need to make less trips in the long run, but especially the elderly and handicapped. The app also introduces geotagged labels that allow for navigation within a store.
Melinda Kuei

Future of Public Transportation
What will public transportation look like in 10 years? Instead of re-imagining public transportation completely, we identified problems with the existing system and looked for new and exciting opportunities that would encourage ridership. We designed a platform that would bridge the various forms of transportation available in Seattle by including transfer times and a universal ticket. The key aspect of the platform is the crowd sourced journeys, which allow tourists and even locals to discover the authentic heart of the city.
Melinda Kuei

More Than
The aim of the exhibition is to break the silence surrounding mental health topics in order to remove the negative stigma associated with it and to raise awareness of the multiple resources available to those affected. The exhibition takes place mainly in Odegaard, where most students gather during midterms and finals week to study. We aim to achieve this by making mental health problems more relatable to the general public in the wayfinding and student generated story notecards. In addition, panels educate the public on these issues in order to dispel stereotypes and prove that even though people have this disorder, they are more than a label and can still achieve great things.
Melinda Kuei
Noa Abbey
Sky Frost
Kimberly Dickinson
Team Members

Home App
Home is a platform that aims to re-establish the intergenerational connection within families. It helps the younger generation find conversation topics to break the ice with their elders, and in the process, rediscover their own roots. Home suggests conversation topics specific to your subject’s personal history and transcribes your conversations to text for easy later reference. With its companion interactive map tool that visualizes your family’s journey through time and space, discovering and documenting your family’s history have never been easier.
Team Members