Tung (Gloria) Ip
Interaction Design
TRACE is a product that bridges the gap between generations through storytelling in virtual reality. With TRACE’s virtual reality headset and mobile app, people can share personal stories with their loved ones by being immersed in those memories together at the same time. TRACE is designed with the vision of combining future technology (in five to ten years) and virtual reality to bring storytelling to a whole new level.
View the 360 video here:
Team Members

Notes to Self
Notes to Self is a short book with content I wrote, designed, and photographed as a personal project. I have combined quotes with small, meaningful “notes” I wrote for my future-self to read, and they serve as a personal reminder to never lose my passion as life goes on.
Tung (Gloria) Ip

The Story of Brink’s Robbery
The Story of Brink’s Robbery is an interactive website that explains the actual event with lots of details. It includes interesting and powerful elements such as illustrations, animated GIFs, and videos to make sure it is fun and easy to follow.
Tung (Gloria) Ip

Nebula is an immersive and story-based system that helps reinforce skills of emotional intelligence, critical for both youth in classrooms and beyond. By presenting students with hard choices that have no obvious answer, they are forced to weigh the pros and cons of each situation, spurring active empathy and engagement and allowing teachers to actively tailor discussion and classes to the choices the students make.

MYSTRO is an intelligent conversational user interface that can help anyone reach their musical goals. From extensive researching and user testing, we created a music coach that was adaptable to any type of learner, encouraging to the aspiring musician and could constantly assess the student on their musical accuracy.