Professional musicians hold themselves to a high standard of discipline, practicing technical exercises and repertoire repeatedly until they achieve perfection. This puts them at high risk for many repetitive strain injuries in the forearm like carpal tunnel and tendonitis. Not only are these conditions painful, but also difficult to treat as gigging musicians cannot find the time to stop playing for the prescribed weeks or months it would take to heal. Instead, many musicians continue to perform and endure chronic pain until many are forced into an early retirement and deprived of their lifelong passion. However, RSI is easily preventable by carefully monitoring practice sessions and imposing regular breaks to disrupt the progression of strain. REST employs three EMG sensors to track the usage of major muscle groups, lighting up a clip-on display that recommends resting. Because of it’s comfortable and low-key design, REST can be worn all day, aggregating more accurate and useful data to change behaviors.
Ginger WooMedia

Rise is a controller stand that is designed to improve one-handed game play by augmenting the existing Xbox one controller. Rise improves one-handed game play by keeping the controller stable on a flat surface, adjusting the tilt of the controller to suit the needs of the user, and finally by allowing the triggers to be activated while the users hand remains on top of the controller and within reach of the joysticks and other buttons.
Team Members

Uno is an intuitive and comfortable one-handed Xbox One controller that utilizes dynamic tilt sensitivity and familiar mouse-dragging movement to make gameplay easy and accessible for all. With a thorough set up interface, Uno is a highly accurate and personalized controller so veteran gamers can play competitively while novices can enjoy the complexity of three dimensional gaming. Through that interface, several different button maps and sensitivities can be set for varying gameplay, much like the Xbox Elite experience. Uno is physiologically considered so users of all sizes and strengths can easily reach and depress the buttons over long periods of gameplay without accidental actuations. This way, the gaming community is closer to achieving true inclusiveness without sacrificing anyone’s experience.
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