Daily Summaries
College Preview/Internet Camp 2000

Today was the first day of the class. College preview is something that is for students who come to camp with a great interest in going to college, looking at how to plan for college and to make the right choice on which college to go to and how to make it through college successfully... But this camp is not only for learning about college; it also allows students to learn about how a computer and the Internet can help someone with a disability make a difference in their future.
Today we learned how to surf the Internet and learned about how to access email, cool websites, and links. We also learned about some keys to success in life, like persistence, hard work, and flexibility.
Today we learned how to use email and how email is sent. We worked on some bios that will be put on the web site for Camp Courage. This afternoon we had a speaker, Connie Light, who came in to talk with us. She gave us some tips on how to apply to college and how to plan and take responsibility in college and be successful.
Today we went on a field trip to St. John's College to tour the campus. We got to learn about the type of services they offer, what majors and classes you can take, and how to get involved in fun activities. As an extra treat, we got to have lunch in the dining room; the food was great! Thank you St. John's for letting us come to visit!
Today we had a great time getting on the computer. We got to join the DO-IT Pals list and we took some time to check out websites of colleges we might like to go to. Later on in the afternoon we had some great speakers who came to talk to us about how their life is in college. The members of this panel were Camp Courage counselors. We also saw a video about how to be successful in college.
Today we watched a video on computer technology for disabled people and then we had time to choose a favorite website. In the second half of our day we had a great college professor come to speak with us about how students with disabilities can work with their professors. We also learned about the Disabled Student Service's office and how to work with them on accommodations we might need in class. Our guest speaker was Dr. Dave Burgstahler, a professor from the University of Washington. The campers each got to pretend they were asking for an accommodation in the professor's class.
Today we watched a video on how to make accessible webpages for people with disabilties and then we took some time to write our comments and thoughts about what we think about computer camp. In the second part of the day we listened to our intern, Tracy, talk with us about how to apply for a job and how to keep a job, as well as how to have fun on the job.
Today we got to see how the computer and the Internet work. We also got to see the inside of a computer. The camp also took our pictures. In the afternoon we had a guest speaker, Roger, come to talk to us about being on the job. He gave us great tips on how to work with co-workers and supervisors. We also learned how to work on a resume. In the evening we had our Computer Cookout. The food was great! We had fun laughing with each other and we had a birthday to celebrate... that made it even more special! Thanks to Kris and Rick for making this speical dinner for us! You both are truly the best! Thank you - we loved it!
Today is our last day of class as we say our good byes to the friends that we made during the week and head our seperate ways. We had some fun today; we did an "Internet Scavenger Hund" where we searched for pictures on the Internet. We also got to see the web site and the movies that the advanced group made. We will take the skills and knowlege we have learned with us and fit it into our everyday lives. We know we can stay in touch throughout the year through email, but it is still hard to leave. I would like to say a few words to the campers that we have taught this week: You guys are a fun bunch of people to work with. You have made our job so much fun, and please know we are still here for you - just E-mail or write and we will get back to you. Take care of yourself and we hope to see you here next year! We Will miss you!!!

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