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Six years ago, sixteen campers gathered in cabin one at Camp Courage in Minnesota. Four girls and twelve boys ranging from age 13 to 18 listened as Sheryl Burgstahler explained what DO-IT was, and what campers would learn over the next eight days. Some students had used computers to explore the Internet before, and others had never used a computer at all.

Now, during the sixth session of Internet and College Preview camp, things are different, and still the same. Two separate groups now make up the program. Not only is there the introduction to the Internet and college preview course, but there is also a digital photography and video section. Eleven campers in the beginning course are learning all about computers and the Internet, as well as college and careers. Four campers in the advanced class are having fun making videos for us. We also have two student interns this year who are helping with lab activities and development of this Web site.

Thanks to this program, and the adaptive equipment it provides, participants now know how to send e-mail, explore the web, and plan a future that includes college and a career.

Special thanks goes to Cyril Rotter for helping make this program possible.

Camper Bios A little information about the campers who attended the College Preview and Internet Camp this year.
Staff Bios All about the wonderful staff who made this camp a fun place to be.
Daily Summaries What we did each day at College Preview camp.
St. John's College Visit Our campers took a trip to St. John's college campus this year! Check out what they found out!
E-mail Story We sent a story around to every camper via E-mail, and asked each camper to add to it. Here's the final result!
Computer Cookout A treat for all of us was our "Computer Cookout". Check out some pictures from this wonderful event!
Camper's Comments Our campers had something wonderful to say about computer camp this year!
Our Favorite Sites A few favorite sites selected by our campers!


Special thanks to Flint Million for doing the HTML coding for this website.
Special thanks to Tracy Benson for writing the daily summaries and helping the campers with the material on this page.