The ECHRdb is available as a set of downloadable raw data files in .csv, excel and Stata formats enabling researches to analyze the complete set of variables included in the database using a wide variety of data analysis software. The database includes over 70 variables detailing judicial decision patterns (subject matter, violation rate, defendant country, etc.) and organization participation and effects (organization identification, participation rates, types of participation, amicus participation, domestic legal change, etc.).
The data are available as three datasets: Comprehensive, Judgment Centered and Participation Centered. These three datasets enable researchers to examine all the variables (Comprehensive) or narrow their analysis to focus on the judgment level patterns (Judgment Centered) or organization participation patterns (Participation Centered).
Cichowski & E. Chrun (2017). European Court of Human Rights Database (ECHRdb), Version 1.0 Release 2017.
NOTE: the datasets are currently being updated. Please contact us for access to Version 1.0.
The Comprehensive Dataset includes all data in the ECHRdb. The next two datasets, Judgment and Participation are a subset, and are created to fit with a user’s particular interest.
- Comprehensive Dataset: This dataset is for the researcher who wants both judgment and participation data in the most detailed form. It includes 15,147 judgments of the ECHR from 1960-2014 and comprehensive data including general judgment information (violation decision, article invoked, defendant state, decision year, etc) and also detailed organization participation data (mode of participation, type of group, organization identification, etc).
csv Excel
Comprehensive Dataset Codebook - Judgment Centered Dataset: This dataset is for the researcher who is mainly interested in patterns in ECHR judgments and general trends in participation. It includes 15,147 judgments of the ECHR from 1960-2014 and comprehensive general judgment information and variables that provide aggregate rather than specific details on participation trends.
csv Excel
Judgment Dataset Codebook - Participation Centered Dataset: This dataset is for the researcher who is mainly interested in interest and advocacy organization participation. It includes all judgments of the ECHR from 1960-2014 that involved organization participation. There are a total of 2,939 instances of participation in this dataset and it includes detailed organization participation data alongside general judgment variables.
csv Excel
Participation Dataset Codebook - Appendices: These are exhaustive lists of all organizations and entities who have participated in the 15,147 judgements of the ECHR from 1960-2014.
Appendix A: List of all organizations/individuals sorted by identification number.
Appendix B: List of all organizations/individuals sorted by interest type.