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To apply for ENDURE, students must be:

  • A current UW student or a Puget Sound-area student planning to transfer to UW (either at a 2-year or 4-year school)
  • A US citizen or permanent resident. We are unfortunately not able to consider international students at this time. 
  • Interested in pursuing a career in neuroscience research and enrolling in a neuroscience graduate program in the future (PhD or MD/PhD)
  • We strongly encourage applications from students that belong to under represented groups, which includes racial and ethnic minorities, students with disabilities, first generation students, and students from low-income households


I don’t have any prior research experience. Am I still eligible to apply?

Yes! Many of our previous ENDURE students had limited or no research experience before starting the program. The application includes several prompts for you to discuss your interest in neuroscience research. 

Can graduating seniors apply? 

Students are required to be enrolled through the next academic year, to allow them to participate in academic year activities.

I have not taken Biology or any Neuroscience courses – am I still eligible? 

If you are not completing biology courses as part of your major, we strongly recommend enrolling in BIOL 130 Introduction to Neuroscience in the spring quarter. This course provides a basic intro to neuro concepts which will be helpful 

How am I matched with a lab? Do I need to have a lab identified before I apply?

During the application, you will have the chance to list your top picks for a research mentor. We will pair you with a lab that best meets your research interests and goals. We encourage you to review the mentor list before applying. 

I’m interested in attending medical school in the future. Is this program right for me?

ENDURE is intended to support students interested in attending graduate school and receiving their PhD in neuroscience and related-fields. If you interested in clinical medicine, this program may not be the right fit.