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  • Funding for full time work in the summer and up to 12 hours week during the academic year
  • If needed, campus housing is provided for free during the summer
  • Opportunity to work on a neuroscience research project with world-class faculty
  • Opportunity to attend and present at the Society for Neuroscience meeting
  • Networking with research scientists at all different career levels, including the wider ENDURE network


The ENDURE program includes both summer and academic year activities. Students that are accepted into the program are expected to:

  • Commit doing full time research (40 hours/week) for the 10 weeks of the program
  • Attend all program activities, including a weekly professional development course
  • Present at our symposium at the end of the program
  • Not work or take classes outside of the program
  • Complete all assignments and evaluations

Academic Year
  • Do part-time research (up to 12/hrs week)
  • Attend the Society for Neuroscience meeting in November