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Selected Bibliography on Doctoral Education: Sorted Chronologically

2002  |  2001  |   2000  |   1999  |   1998  |   1997  |   1996  |   1995  |   1994  |   1993  |   1992  |   1991  |    1990-earlier


Suedkamp Wells, K. (2002, January 14). A Little Advice From 32,000 Graduate Students. The Chronicle of Higher Education.  Retrieved January 14, 2002 from the World Wide Web: 

Wagner, Robin. (2002, January 18). All I Really Need to Know I Learned ... in Graduate School?  Chronicle of Higher Education [On-line]. Retrieved January 18, 2002 from the World Wide Web: 



Compte rendu du deuxieme colloque national des Ecoles Doctorales (Conclusions from the second national colloquium of doctoral-granting schools). (2001). (pp. 1-107). Lille, France.

American Association for Higher Education. (2001, February). 9th annual AAHE conference on faculty roles & rewards:  Conference preview. Paper presented at the The Changing Professoriate:  New Technologies, New Generation, Tampa, Florida.

American Institute of Biological Sciences. (2001, July 9). American Institute of Biological Sciences Homepage [On-line]. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

American Psychological Association. (2001). The APA Education Directorate [On-line]. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Applegate, J. L. (2001, November). Engaged Graduate Education: Seeing with New Eyes. CGS Communicator, 34(9), 1-2, 6.

Applegate, J. L. (2001, September). Engaged Graduate Education: Skating to where the puck will be. Spectra, 37(9), 2-6.

Basalla, S. D., Maggie. (2001). "So What Are You Going To Do With That?": A Guide to Career-Changing for M.A.'s and Ph.D.'s. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Bennett, E. R., Greg. (2001, July/August). Doctoral Programs Flunk a Test. Stanford Magazine, 28.

Chronicle of Higher Education. (2001). A glance at the May issue of The Washington Monthly: The Truth behind the Ph.D. "shortage". Chronicle of Higher Education.

Chubin, D. E., & Pearson, W. J. (2001). Scientists and engineers for the new millennium: Renewing the human resource, Washington, DC.

Committee, G. S. R. (2001). Review of Graduate Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences. London: The British Academy.

Curran, C. (2001). Graduate Programs Look to Revamp PhD. Retrieved August 20, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Demoulin, P. (2001, May). Doc'd: Why a Ph.D. is a fast ticket to the unemployment line. Washington Monthly.

Farrell, E. (2001, Nov. 30). Number of Ph.D.'s Awarded Rebounds After a 1-Year Dip. Chronicle of Higher Education.

Freeman, Richard B.; Weinstein, Eric; Marincola, Elizabeth; Rosenbaum, Janet; Solomon, Frank. (2001, August).  Careers and Rewards in Bio Sciences: the disconnect between scientific progress and career progression.

Hines, S. (2001, December). Urban ecology: Collaborative program prepares students for real world. University Week, 19(9).  Retrieved December 12, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Jacobson, J. (2001, May 21). Minority Groups Are Poorly Represented on Chemistry Faculties, Study Finds.  Chronicle of Higher Education [On-line]. Retrieved November 13, 2001 from the World Wide Web:

Johnson, M. (2001, June). Sellout: A resource for Ph.D.s considering careers beyond the university [On-line]. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Joyce, A. (2001, January 29). Ph.D.  Candidates Can Take Job Search to a Level Beyond Academia. The Washington Post, pp. E7.

Kosters, E. C. (2001, February 7). ITC PhD Program [On-line]. International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Lazarus, B. B., Ritter, L. M., & Ambrose, S. A. (2001). The Woman's Guide to Navigating the Ph.D. in Engineering & Science. IEEE Press.

Leatherman, C. (2001). U.S. Research Universities Report a Drop in the Number of Ph.D.'s Awarded. Chronicle of Higher Education.

Lovitts, B. E. (2001). Leaving the Ivory Tower: The Causes and Consequences of Departure from Doctoral Study. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Massy, W. F. G., Charles A. (2001). The Ph.D. Factory Training and Employment of Science and Engineering Doctorates in the United States. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing Co.

Montell, G. (2001, December 21). English Ph.D.'s Continue to Face a Tough Market. The Chronicle of Higher Education.  Retrieved December 21, 2001, from the World Wide Web:

National Graduate and Professional Students. (2001). 2001 National Doctoral Program Survey. Retrieved Oct. 17, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Studies.  (2001, July).  Strategic Research Partnerships: Proceedings from an NSF Workshop.  Arlington: National Science Foundation.

Nelson, C. (2001, June 29). 10 Ways to Keep Graduate Students from Quitting. Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web:

Nelson, M. (2001, October 7).  Researchers are giving doctorate the 3rd degree.  The Chicago Tribune.  Retrieved Oct. 8, 200,  from the World Wide Web: 

Pion, Georgine M.  (2001, March).  The Early Career Progress of NRSA Predoctoral Trainees and Fellows.  Bethesda: National Institutes of Health.

Raber, L. (2001). Ph.D.'s sound off. Chemical & Engineering News, 79(8), 65.

Rhodes, Frank H. T. (2001). The Creation of the Future: The Role of the American University. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Roach, R. (2001, November 22). A Model Project. Black Issues in Higher Education. 18(20), 27-29.

Santschi, M.  (2001, October 25).  Graduate Students Give UW's Doctoral Programs a "C+".  The Daily, 1, 10.

Smallwood, S. (2001). Wilson Foundation announces plan to increase the value of the Ph.D. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 1-3.

Smallwood, S. (2001). Graduate Students Give Their Programs Mixed Reviews in New Survey. Chronicle of Higher Education.

Trainor, J. S. (2001). Being Material Enough: New Directions for Reforming English. College English, 63(6), 769-779.

Trower, C. A., Ann E.; Sorcinelli, Mary Deane. (2001). Paradise Lost: How the academy converts enthusiastic recruits into early-career doubters. Retrieved July 30, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Tsapogas, J. (2001). Retention of the Best Underrepresented Minority Graduates in Science and Engineering. Making Strides, 3(1), 1-8.

University of California at Berkeley. (2001). Material for dissertation retreats at Berkeley/Stanford [On-line]. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

University of Michigan. (2001, May). Millenium project [On-line]. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Walker, D. (2001, September 25). British Universities Face Ph.D. Shortage in Humanities and Social Sciences. Chronicle of Higher Education [On-line]. Retrieved October 5, 2001 from the World Wide Web: 

Walzer, Kevin. (2001, May 25). Sellout Studies and Scholarship.  Chronicle of Higher Education [On-line]. Retrieved June 5, 2001 from the World Wide Web:  

Weidman, J. T., Darla J.; Stein, Elizabeth Leahy. (2001). The Socialization of Graduate & Professional Students in Higher Education: Jossey-Bass, Incorporated Publishers.

Weisbuch, C., Couesnon, C., Courtois, J.-Y., & Tixier, R. (2001). The Doctoriales:  A French seminar to prepare for life after the doctorate [On-line]. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Weisbuch, R. (2001, September 4).  The Year of Full Employment. Chronicle of Higher Education [On-line]. Retrieved September 4, 2001 from the World Wide Web: 

Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. (2001). The Responsive Ph.D.: An Initative to Improve the Doctoral Experience in the Arts and Sciences. Retrieved 2/13, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Woolson, C. (2001, October 25).  The Gender Gap in Science.  The Chronicle of Higher Education  [On-line]. Retrieved October, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 




Deneef, A. L. (2000). Discussion group notes from "The Purpose of the PhD as Preparation for Employment" (Conference on the Future of Doctoral Education). PMLA, 115(5), 1260(1262).

Diamond, N. G., Hugh Davis. (2000). How Should We Rate Research Universities? Change, 32(4), 21.

Diaz, A. (2000). The Harvard College guide to careers in public service. Cambridge, MA: OCS Publications.

Duderstadt, J. (2000). Graduate education, A University for the 21st century. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.

Goldsmith, S. (2000). Career Paths for PhDs in and beyond the Academy. ADE-Bulletin, 124, 33-35.

Guillory, J. (2000). The system of graduate education  (Conference on the Future of Doctoral Education). PMLA, 115(5), 1154-1164.

Guillory, J. (2000). The system of graduate education  (Conference on the Future of Doctoral Education). PMLA, 115(5), 1154-1164.

Hamblin, J. A. (Ed.). (2000). A walk through graduate education: Selected papers and speeches of Jules B. LaPidus, President of the Council of Graduate Schools 1984-2000. Washington, DC: Council of Graduate Schools.

Harris, W. C. (Ed.). (2000). Graduate Education & Postdoctoral Training in the Mathematical & Physical Sciences: Workshop Report: DIANE Publishing Company.

Harvey, A.-M. (2000). Saying When: A Recent PhD's Perspective on Alternative Careers. ADE-Bulletin, 124, 40-42.

Hohendahl, P. U. (2000). After Three Decades of Crisis: What Is the Purpose of a PhD Program in Foreign Languages?  (Conference on the Future of Doctoral Education). PMLA, 115(5), 1228-1238.

Irwin, R. M. (2000). A participant's report (Conference on the Future of Doctoral Education). PMLA, 115(5), 1256(1252).

Kosters, E. (2000). Re-envisioning the PhD (A report on participating in the conference). Enschede, The Netherlands: International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences.

Kreeger, K. Y. (2000). Research in the Business World: the gap is closing between business, academic cultures. The Scientist, 14(20).

Leatherman, C. (2000). A New Push for ABDs To Cross the Finish Line. Chronicle of Higher Education, 46(29), A18-A20.

Lovitts, B. E. a. N., Cary. (2000). The Hidden Crisis in Graduate Education: Attrition from Ph.D. Programs. Academe, 89(6).

Magner, D. K. (2000). Critics urge overhaul of Ph.D. training, but disagree sharply on how to do so. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 46(34).

Malcom, S. (2000). Minority Ph.D. Production in SME Fields: Distributing the Work? Making Strides, 2(3), 1-6.

Marks, E. (2000). Reflections and recommendations (Conference on the Future of Doctoral Education). PMLA, 115(5), 1254-1257.

McGinn, D. B., Heather. (2000, November 13). A Ph.D. Hits the Road. Newsweek.

Michigan State University. (2000, September). Certificate in Teaching of College Science& Mathematics Program [On-line]. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Michigan State University. (2000). Michigan State University’s Interdisciplinary Programs [On-line]. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Mignolo, W. D. (2000). The Role of the Humanities in the Corporate University (Conference on the Future of Doctoral Education). PMLA, 115(5), 1238-1245.

Morris, N. R. (2000, October 16). Putting Ph.D.s at the head of the class [On-line]. The Scientist. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web:

Murray, B. (2000). The growth of the new PhD: Higher education takes a hard look at the PhD and finds much that needs changing. Monitor on Psychology, 24-27.

National Center for Education Statistics. (2000). Digest of Education Statistics [On-line]. U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the 21st Century. (2000). Before It's Too Late: A Report to the Nation. Washington, DC: US Department of Education.

National Research Council, Education and Career Studies Unit. (2000). Addressing the Nation's Changing Needs for Biomedical and Behavioral Scientists.  Washington, DC: National Research Council.

National Research Council Staff Board on Chemical Sciences Staff. (2000). Graduate Education in the Chemical Sciences - Issues for the 21st Century: Report of a Workshop. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

National Science Board. (2000). Science and engineering indicators 2000 (report to Congress submitted to the President first from National Science Foundation). Arlington, VA: National Science Board.

Nelson, C. (2000). Graduate studies and the job market   (Conference on the Future of Doctoral Education). PMLA, 115(5), 1200(1203).

Nyquist, J.  D.; Woodford, Bettina J. (2000). Re-envisioning the Ph.D.: What Concerns Do We Have?  Seattle, Washington: Center for Instructional Development and Research and University of Washington.  Retrieved from the World Wide Web: 

University of Michigan. (2000). How to Mentor Graduate Students: A Guide for Faculty at a Diverse University. [Brochure]. Rackham School of Graduate Studies.

University of Michigan. (2000). How to Get the Mentoring You Want: A Gude for Graduate Students at a Diverse University. [Brochure]. Rackham School of Graduate Studies.

Roseth, R. (2000). Stakeholders in higher education re-think the Ph.D. Northwest Science & Technology, 1.

Shulman, L. (2000). Rethinking the Doctorate: The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Soffen, G. (Artist). (2000). What Good Is a Ph.D.? [Unpublished document].

Stimpson, C. R. (2000). Myths of transformation: realities of change.   (Conference on the Future of Doctoral Education). PMLA, 115(5), 1142-1154.

Temes, P. (2000). Learning to love life outside academe. The Chronicle of Higher Education:  The Chronicle Review:  Observer, 47(16), 3.

Vella, F. d. M., Leopoldo; Mehler, Alan H.; Rombauts, Wilfried; White, Harold-B., III; Wood, E. J. (2000). Standards for the Ph.D. Degree in the Molecular Biosciences. Biochemical-Education, 28(1), 2-11.

Warsh, David. (2000, May 21). In the Cockpit of Change.  Boston Globe, F1.

Weisbuch, R. (2000). The humanities at work (Conference on the Future of Doctoral Education). PMLA, 115(5), 1202-1205.

Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. (2000, June 20). Conference Materials. Paper presented at the Re-envisioning the Ph.D., the Future Participants, Princeton, New Jersey.


American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (1998-99). ASME International AC-10: Personnel of Board of Governors, Councils and Committees. New York: Author.

Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities. (1999). Invitation to dialogue II:  Proposed framework for a new model of accreditation. Alameda, CA: Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (1999). Faculty shortages intensify nation's nursing deficit. American Association of Colleges of Nursing Issue Bulletin.

American Association of University Professors. (1999, April). Graduate Student Bill of Rights [Email from PFF listserv]. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

American Educational Research Association. (1999, April 19-23). 1999 Annual Meeting Program. Paper presented at the On the threshold of the 21st Century:  Challenges and opportunities, Montreal, Canada.

Anonymous. (1999). Tenure in a chilly climate (women college teachers) [online journal: "apsanet," the American Political Association Online]. Retrieved September 6, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Association of American Universities. (1999, February). Background briefing: Responses to criticisms about graduate education [On-line]. Retrieved March 29, 1999, from the World Wide Web: 

Bair, C. R. H., Jennifer Grant. (1999, November 18-21). Doctoral Student Attrition and Persistence: A Meta-Synthesis of Research. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Antonio, TX.

Baldwin, L. (1999). A Yellow Wood: Diverging Career Pathways for Humanities PhDs. Retrieved August 30, 2001, from the World Wide Web:

Bellah, R. N. (1999). Freedom, coercion, and authority. Academe, 16-21.

Bianco-Mathis, V. C., Neal (Ed.). (1999). The full-time faculty handbook. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.

Boxer, S. (1999, January 16). Down and out in academia, or: Professors or Proletarians? A test for downtrodden academics. New York Times, pp. A20-A21.

Boyd, K. (1999, March 26). Grad student union finally busts UC [On-line]. Science's Next Wave Magazine. Retrieved October, 1999, from the World Wide Web: 

Brennan, D. G. (1999, April 6-9). The Role of Structure and Policies in Promoting New Directions. Paper presented at the The Broadening Scope of Graduate Education: 1999 Proceedings of the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools, St. Louis, MO.

Brenner, M. L. (1999, April 6-9). The Role of Structure in Promoting New Directions in Graduate Education. Paper presented at the The Broadening Scope of Graduate Education (1999 Proceedings of the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools), St. Louis, MO.

Brimelow, P. (1999, May 31). Educators' bad math. Forbes.

Burstein, A. G., Neil. (1999, January 21-24). Against the Grain: The Natural History of an Inter-disciplinary Faculty Development Program. Paper presented at the The Academic Calling: Changing Commitments and Complexities (Seventh AAHE Conference on Faculty Roles & Rewards), San Diego, CA.

Carr, S. (1999). Western Governors University officials say they're content with modest pace of enrollment. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2.

Cavanaugh, J. (1999, February). The postdocs' plight. Johns Hopkins Magazine, 52-60.

Cherwitz, R. A., & Reed, J. (1999, February 21). Beyond preparing future faculty: Toward full-service professional development. Paper presented at the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools, Charleston, South Carolina.

Clayton, M. (1999, May 18). Glut of Ph.D.'s cheapens the degree. Christian Science Monitor, pp. 17.

Coleman, M. S. (1999, April 6-9, 1999). Defining Graduate Education for the 21st Century. Paper presented at the The Broadening Scope of Graduate Education: 1999 Proceedings of the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools, St. Louis, MO.

Commission on Professionals in Science and Technology. (1999). Supply and demand. Comments, 36(5), 32.

Condra, P. (1999, April 27). Demise of a department. UW Daily, pp. 1.

Coppola, B. D. (Artist). (1999). Interdisciplinary studies at the interface of education

Daloz, L. A. (1999). Mentor: Guiding the Journey of Adult Learners. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Duke, N. K. B., Sarah W. (1999). Education Should Consider Alternative Formats for the Dissertation. Educational Researcher, 28(3), 31-36.

Einhellig, F. A. (1999, April 6-9, 1999). Interdisciplinary Programs: Challenges and Value. Paper presented at the The Broadening Scope of Graduate Education: 1999 Proceedings of the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools, St. Louis, MO.

Erard, M. (1999). Pimping a Ph.D. Retrieved, from the World Wide Web: 

Exxon. (1999). The power of ideas: Ph.D. careers at Exxon. Houston: Exxon Corporation.

Felbinger, C. L. H., Marc; White, Jay D. (1999). The doctorate in public administration: Some unresolved questions and recommendations. Public Administration Review, 59(5), 459-464.

Fetterley, J. (1999). Symposium:  English 1999, Dreaming the future of English. College English, 61(6), 702-711.

Ford, J. (1999, January 19). Students on the back burner: Are academics suffering for the sake of research and scholarly publishing? The Daily.

Graduate Council's Advisory Committee for Graduate Student Instructors Affairs. (1999, Feb 3, 10, & 17). Proceeding of a faculty seminar. Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Seminar for Faculty Teaching with GSIs, University of California, Berkely.

Greenberg, M. (1999). Tasks for higher education accreditation. Washington, DC: Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

Haeger, J. (1999, April 6-9, 1999). Defining Graduate Education. Paper presented at the The Broadening Scope of Graduate Education: 1999 Proceedings of the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools, St. Louis, MO.

Haworth, K. (1999). More community colleges push to hire Ph.D.'s as professors. Chronicle of Higher Education, A12-A13.

Jacobs, M. (1999, March 15). Conference participants take hard look at Ph.D. education. Chemical and Engineering News, 55.

Katz, S. (1999, March 1). A computer is not a typewriter, or, getting right with information technology in the humanities [On-line]. Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Kellog Commission. (1999). Returning to our roots:  The engaged institution (Third report). Washington D.C.: Kellog Commission on the Future of State and Land-Grant Universities.

Kellog Commission. (1999). Returning to our roots:  A learning society (Fourth report). Washington D.C.: Kellog Commission on the Future of State and Land-Grant Universities.

LaPidus, J. B. (1999, April 7). Pressures for Change--Opportunities for Improvement (Presentation at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools) [On-line]. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Leatherman, C. (1999). Graduate students win concessions at contentious MLA meeting. Chronicle of Higher Education, A15-A16.

Leatherman, C. (1999). Graduate students enjoy new clout in MLA to push agenda of job-market issues. The Chronicle of Higher Eduation, 46(17), 3.

Lieber, R., Kleiner, C., & Perry, J. (1999, March 29). Best graduate schools. U.S. News and World Report, 126, 74-115.

Magner, D. K. (1999). Administrators' report urges better pay for part-timers, post-tenure reviews. Chronicle of Higher Education.

Magner, D. K. (1999). For job hunters in academe, 1999 offers signs of an upturn. Chronicle of Higher Education, A14.

Magner, D. K. (1999). Record number of doctorates awarded in 1997. Chronicle of Higher Education, A14-A15.

Magner, D. (1999). Doctoral programs decide that smaller is better. Chronicle of Higher Education, 45(25), A12.

Magner, D. (1999). MLA looks at expanded master’s-degree programs as a tonic of the Ph.D. job crisis. Chronicle of Higher Education.

Magner, D. K. (1999). Master's degrees are the hot topic at a meeting on doctoral education. The Chronicle of Higher Education, A16.

Magner, D. K. (1999). A National Project Aims to "Re-Envision" the Ph.D.  The Chronicle of Higher Education, A17.

McGee, R. W. (1999). The case for a nonresearch doctorate in accounting: An application of economic and ethical theory to a practical issue. Journal of Accounting, Ethics and Public Policy, 2(3), 560-565.

McGee, R. W. (1999). Some economic and ethical issues involved in AACSB accreditation. Journal of Accounting, Ethics and Public Policy, 2(3), 449-469.

McGee, R. (1999). What's wrong with the curriculum in accounting PhD programs? Five case studies viewed from the perspectives of economics and ethics. Journal of Accounting, Ethics and Public Policy, 2(1), 1-11.

McGee, R. (1999). The ethics of accounting faculty mobility at undergraduate universities: A comment on Smith. Journal of Accounting, Ethics and Public Policy, 2(3), 489-496.

McGee, R. (1999). How to select accounting faculty : A look at some economic and ethical issues. Journal of Accounting, Ethics and Public Policy, 2(4), 730-741.

McGee, R. W. (1999). Do accounting educators need a PhD?  A look at some neglected economic and ethical issues. Journal of Accounting, Ethics and Public Policy, 2(2), 367-374.

McGee, R. W. (1999). Are Ph.D.'s more qualified to teach than non-Ph.D.'s? A look at some ethical and economic issues. Journal of Accounting, Ethics and Public Policy, 2(4), 700-709.

Metenhauser, J. A. E., Brenda J. (Ed.). (1999). Reforming the Higher Education Curriculum. Phoenix: The American Council on Education and The Oryx Press.

Metzger, N., & Zare, R. (1999, January 29). Interdisciplinary research: From belief to reality [On-line]. Science. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web:

Miles, J. (1999, Fall). Three Differences Between an Academic and an Intellectual: What Happens to the Liberal Arts When They Are Kicked Off Campus? [On-line]. Cross Currents, 49(3).  Retrieved November 20, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Montell, G. (1999). MLA reports another rise in the number of tenure-track openings in English. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2.

Nagle, D. J. (1999). Distance Education Delivery of Advanced Degree Programs and Corporate Training and Education.

National Aeronautics & Space Administration. (1999). 1999 Graduate Student Researchers Program. Washinton, DC: Author.

National Center for Higher Education Management Systems. (1999). Managing faculty assets to accommodate new realities. NCHEMS News, 15, 2-5.

National Opinion Research Center. (1999). Summary Report 1998: Doctorate Recipients from United States Universities. Chicago: University of Chicago.

National Research Council. (1999). Transforming undergraduate education in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.

Nerad, M., & Cerny, J. (1999). Widening the circle:  Another look at women graduate students. CGS Communicator, 32(6), 1-7.

Nerad, M., & Cerny, J. (1999, September 3). Postdoctoral patterns, career advancement, and problems. Science, 285, 1533-1535.

Nerad, M., & Cerny, J. (1999). From rumors to facts: Career outcomes of English Ph.D.'s: Results from the Ph.D.’s-Ten Years Later Study. CGS Communicator, 32(7).

Nettles, M. T. M., Catherine M. (1999). The Human Capital Liabilities of Underrepresented Minorities in Pursuit of Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Doctoral Degrees. Research News On Minority Graduate  Education  (MGE), 1(2).

Newhouse, M. (1999, July 2). The view from Britain [On-line]. Beyond the Ivory Tower. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Newhouse, M. (1999, March 12). How they did it:  Landing a job outside academe [On-line]. Beyond the Ivory Tower. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Newhouse, M. (1999, April 9). Deprogramming from the academic cult [On-line]. Beyond the Ivory Tower. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Newhouse, M. (1999, May 7). What if you love teaching but can't get an academic job? [On-line]. Beyond the Ivory Tower. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web: 

Nyquist, J. N., Manning, L., Wulff, D.H., Austin, A.E., Sprague, J., Fraser, P.K., Calcagno, C., & Woodford, B. (1999). On the road to becoming a professor:  The graduate student experience. Change, 18-27.

Nyquist, J. D. (1999). Re-envisioning the Ph.D.: Can It Be Done? Geotimes, 5.

Ph.D Study Commission at Wayne State University. (1999). Report of the Commission to Study the Present and Future Status of the Wayne Sate University Ph.D. Programs:  April 1999. Detroit: Wayne State University.

Raber, L. R. (1999). Evaluating Ph.D. education. Chemical & Engineering News, 77(22), 36-37.

University of Michigan. (1999). Graduate Student Mentoring Handbook. [Brochure]. Rackham School of Graduate Studies.

Reis, R. (1999, February 4). Improving the education of doctoral students in science and engineering. Paper presented at the Paper presented to the Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy.

Reklaitis, G. V., & Bartels, K. (1999, August). Does U.S. graduate education work for the chemical industry? CHEMTECH, 7-13.

Robinson, S., & Golde, C. M. (1999, November). Waffling and flailing:  Undergraduates in pursuit of a Ph.D. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Antonio, TX.

Rosenberg, L. E. (1999). The Physician-Scientist: An essential--and fragile--link in the medical research chain. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 103(12), 1621-1626.

Rosenberg, L. E. (1999, January 15). Physician-Scientists--Endangered and essential. Science, 283, 331-332.

Schuster, J. H. (Artist). (1999). Project on the future of the professoriate [Project description].

Smith, S. (1999). The ethics of accounting faculty mobility at undergraduate universities. Journal of Accounting, Ethics and Public Policy, 2(3), 473-486.

Spinelli, G., & Yopp, J. H. (1999, December). Inter-national articulation programs for graduate education. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Conference of the European Association for International Education, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

Tarnow, E. (1999, June 14). An Offending Survey [On-line]. Ivory Tower. Retrieved July, 2001, from the World Wide Web:

Triggle, D. J., & Miller, K. W. (1999). Commission on the Future of Graduate Education in the Pharmaceutical Sciences:  Final report. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 63, 218-248.

University of Wisconsin. (1999, April 15-18). Conference Proceedings.  (Included is the Report on MLA Conference on Future of Doctoral Education by John Coldewey). Paper presented at the MLA Conference on the future of Doctoral Education, Madison, WI.

Walker, G. E. (1999, December 4). The scholarship of teaching. Paper presented at the Meeting sponsored by the American Association for Higher Education and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Washington, DC.

Weisbuch, R. (1999). Six proposals to revive the humanities. Chronicle of Higher Education, B4-5.

Will, G. (1999). A glut of Ph.D.'s. Retrieved June 22, 1999, from the World Wide Web: 

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