The Re-envisioning the Ph.D. Project provides
space on this web site as a public forum for the diverse programs and practices
being conducted that address issues affecting Ph.D. education.
There has been great interest in and demonstrated need for information about
programs and practices that demonstrate innovative strategies for
implementing change. Herein is a collection of "Promising Practices"
described in the words of the initiating or participating institutions. We've
organized them in two ways: By the name of the institution that runs the
program/project, and by the topic of the practice.
Introduction to the Promising Practices Site The
Introduction to the Promising Practices Site link will provide a more detailed
description and background to this collection.
Practices by Institution
Here the Promising Practices submitted are organized by the name of the
sponsoring institution(s).
Practices by Topic Here
the Promising Practices are organized by general topic(s) of that practice
Submit a Practice Institutions
are invited to submit innovative and promising practices. Instructions on how to
do so are under this page.