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Ph.D. Career Resources: On-line articles

These on-line articles offer specific career advice, first-person narratives, professional development guidelines, and broader speculations about the intellectual roles of Ph.D.'s working outside academia.  Refer to the Publications page for a list of printed materials dealing with Ph.D. career development, and see the "Selected Bibliography on Doctoral Education" for information about re-envisioning doctoral education from the perspectives of many stakeholders.  Suggestions for additional listings can be sent to


Advancing Your Career  A collection of articles from The Chronicle of Higher Education offering advice on advancing an academic career.

Bad Brakes Send Scientist to Biotechnology  Biographical account of one scientist's transition from being a researcher in academia to being CEO of a biotechnology company.  Read another former academic's response to this article in "Letter: Academia to Industry,"

Before You Go On the Job Market 
A collection of articles from The Chronicle of Higher Education dealing with going on the academic job market.

Conducting a Search 
A collection of articles from The Chronicle of Higher Education about conducting an academic job search.

Conferences, Interviews and Presentations 
A collection of articles from The Chronicle of Higher Education about preparing for conferences, interviews and presentations.

Five Rules that Might Save Your Career  Daniel Kowalsky, an adjunct, elaborates on five rules that experience has shown him are associated with success in academe. 

Four Steps to Succeeding Outside the Ivory Tower  Jennifer Stone Gonzalez describes the intellectual transition from academia to the business world. 

Getting Great Letters of Recommendation  Richard Reis explains the importance of recommendation letters and how to get letters that will help in the academic job search.

Getting the Job 
A collection of articles from The Chronicle of Higher Education about applying for an academic position, weighing offers, negotiating terms, and more.

How I Got My Job  An assistant professor of English describes the struggle to land a tenure-track position.

Journeyman: Getting Into and Out of Academia  Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, a history-of-science Ph.D., explains how to make the transition from academic to other work and still be a productive scholar.

A Little Advice from 32,000 Graduate Students  Graduate students give advice to other graduate students about preparing themselves for a variety of career paths.

Moving to a Nonacademic Job 
A collection of articles from The Chronicle of Higher Education about looking for and transitioning into a postacademic job.

The Ones We Didn't Hire  A dean describes common mistakes made by candidates invited for on-campus interviews.  For a more humorous account of the absurdities on both sides of the interviewing process, read The Campus Visit by a department chair.

Pimping a Ph.D.  A narrative account by a participant in the University of Texas at Austin
's "Intellectual Entrepreneurship Program."

Postdoc Life at Liberal Colleges, Parts I and II
Part I explains how postdocs benefit from teaching at small liberal-arts colleges, and Part II explores some of the difficulties postdocs frequently encounter on small college campuses.

Postdoc Trails: Long and Filled With Pitfalls  Details some of the problems common to postdoctoral positions.

Profession Archive 
A collection of articles from The Scientist about academic and nonacademic careers.

A Professor's First Year: the Dark Side  A fifth-year professor describes the lows and highs of the first year of teaching at a small liberal-arts college.

Sellout Studies and Scholarship
  In the same vein as "Journeyman" (see above), Kevin Walzer writes about how to maintain one's identity and work as a scholar after academia.  A year later, in The Pleasure of Publishing, he writes about continuing his love of poetry through Word Press, a publishing company he and his wife founded.

Three Differences Between an Academic and an Intellectual: What Happens to the Liberal Arts When They Are Kicked Off Campus?
  Jack Miles, 1996 Pulitzer Prize winner, speculates about whether intellectuals outside of academia will become the main carriers of the humanist tradition, and how that might in turn affect the humanities themselves.

Toward a Responsive Doctorate  Robert Weisbuch of the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation discusses the necessity for making the Ph.D. more relevant to the world beyond academe.

Where Ph.D.'s Morph Into M.B.A.'s   At management consulting firms, scientists apply their analytical expertise to answer tough business questions.

Why You'll Want a Mentor Outside the Ivory Tower, Too  How and why to find mentors outside the ivory tower.


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