Health and Income Equity
A. Overviews, reviews
Blane D, Brunner E, Wilkinson R. (editors). Health and Social organization: Towards a health policy for the twenth-first century. London: Routledge, 1996

This book presents a broad-based multi-authored, referenced look at factors affecting the health of populations. It focuses on socio-biological-economic determinants as being the major factors impacting on health, and underscores the lack of evidence for medical interventions. 

Table of Contents

1. Evolution of public health policy: an anglo centric view of the last fifty years 

Part I The Policy problem

2. To prevent disease: the need for a new approach (Syme)
3. The significance of socioeconomic factors in health for medical care and the National Health Service 
4. The social pattern of health and disease (Marmot)

Part II Environment and economic growth

5. Social determinants of health: the sociobioligical translation (Tarlov)
6. What's been said and what's been hid: population health, global consumption and the role of national 
     health data systems (Hertzman)
7. How can secular improvements in life expectancy be explained? (Wilkinson)

Part III The family and life course

8. Patterns of attachment, interpersonal relationships and health (Fonagy)
9. Family and education as determinants of health (Wadsworth)
10. Education, social circumstances and mortality (Blane, White, Morris)
11. Transmission of social and biological risk across the life course. (Power, Bartley, Davey Smith, 
12. Unpaid work, careers and health (Evandrou)

Part IV Work and the labour market

13. Work and health: implications for individuals and society (Marmot & Feeney)
14. Health and work insecurity in young men (Bartley, Montgomery, Cook and Wadsworth)
15. The social and biological basis of cardiovascular disease in office workers (Brunner)

Part V Policy integration

16. Health and social capital (Mustard)


atherosclerosis, behavioral factors, cause specific mortality, civic society, communist countries, community, Eastern Europe, ecological studies, economic growth, education, epidemiologic transition, gender differences, genetic influences, Gini coefficient, gross national product, health inequalities, heart disease, height hierarchy, income distribution, income inequality, inequality, infant mortality, international labor, life expectancy, material deprivation, medical care, mortality, neighborhoods, population, health, poverty, psychosocial factors, redistribution, regional, relative deprivation, risk factor, smoking, social, capital, social class, social cohesion, social networks, social stratification, socioeconomic status, stress, suicide, unemployment, women

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