Health and Income Equity
The important papers have been grouped into categories, and within each category, by order of relative importance for the subject matter. Inclusion of some papers in certain categories is subjective, for it is difficult to classify research findings. Summaries with commentary are provided after the citation. Commentary on the papers is included in the summary statements to give a sense of the relevance of that material and is indicated by square brackets [ ]. The material spans many disciplines: epidemiology, sociology, primatology, economics, criminology, physiology, among others. Understanding the arguments presented here is challenging, for we tend to think in confined areas. But understanding health is elusive, and requires mental, and social gymnastics. 

When permission from the publisher has been granted, abstracts of publications are presented, as are full texts when permitted. For books, tables of contents are provided, with some chapter summary material. The abstracts of journal articles tend to be written for specialists in the field, while attempts are made to have the summaries be more accessible to a general audience. Papers may be obtained from specialized libraries, and at the end, addresses for the journals are given where copies may sometimes be ordered. Where available, links to journal web sites provide other means to access this material.

A. Overviews, reviews

B. Income inequality and health: International Comparisons

C. Income inequality and health: within country comparisons

D. Income inequality and social problems, especially violence and homicide,
    and social cohesion

E. Health Inequality / Socioeconomic Status and Health

F. Criticisms of the income inequality / health relationship

G. Psychosocial Conditions and Health

H. Possible biological mechanisms to explain the income inequality health 

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