Health and Income Equity
A. Overviews, reviews
Kawachi I, Kennedy BP, Wilkinson RG, eds. The Society and Population Health Reader, Volume I:  Income Inequality and Health. New York: New Press, 1999.

The much welcomed, inexpensive, book version whose content overlaps this web site.  The volume contains 40 important papers  regarding hierarchy and health dating to about early-1999.  There are four sections (Relative Income Hypothesis, Critiques of the Relative Income Hypothesis,  Towards a theory of income distribution and health, Effects of income inequality across race and gender).  Each is preceded by an overview essay which contains includes salient questions and debate raised by the ideas presented.  Further readings are suggested there as well.  The last essay “The Culture of Inequality” by Wilkinson,  is new to this volume and speaks to our times.  An important appendix lists references on income inequality trends and measurement, as well as on equity and economic growth.  This collection is invaluable for courses on the subject, as well as a ready reference for researchers and (hopefully) policy makers.  Anyone seriously interested in population health should acquire this book as well as Unhealthy Societies.
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